15:28 News Rant: Low flying aircraft, more dangerous than drones Drone and RC plane fliers are being constantly told that they are a danger …
18:11 Updates: drone vs heli, RC plane flying, the God-awful media In this update: Feedback from recent videos on where the hobby of flying RC …
05:20 Drone Etiquette | 6 Golden Rules for Drone Pilots Are there special manners for drone pilots? Yes, there are. Take a look and …
10:03 If you fly DRONES you NEED to do this… It could save your Bacon. #Airspace is getting busy, plastic bags are mistaken for drones & there are more …
18:58 6S FPV Drone Racing??? It’s time for the 2018 MultiGP Regional Series, and the debate has been rage. …
Quick Vlog2: Drones, illegal FPV and FrSky radios Hopefully a bit of something for everyone in Vlog#2. Links mentioned in the video: …
04:29 Talon Pro – DJI FPV Talon Pro mods and DJI FPV. XUAV Talon Pro – http://bit.ly/34CWBzs DJI HD FPV …
08:37 Giant RC Plane Pulls Kayak | Sea Duck Check out the Drone Racing League: http://bit.ly/2DcCM5V Watch the original Tail Spin Sea Duck …
34:59 MJX BUGS 6 FPV VERSION , REVIEW ,TEST VOL , CRASH pas de probleme ,GEARBEST DRONE Mini Maxi review du Bugs6 version fpv , camera 5.8Ghertz + écran fpv Attention …
06:06 Haunted Office Indoor Flight 65mm Micro FPV Drone Brushless Acro Whoop While visiting a very old office, had a chance to get the micro quad …
02:22 Fastest FPV in the World. 265Mph. Plane: Vasamodel Fusion. http://www.vasamodel-eshop.cz/en/d/fusion-prop-v-barve-1000077/ Motor: Leopard LBP3674/X2 2650KV. https://www.offshoreelectrics.com/proddetail.php?prod=leo-3674-x2 Esc: Hobbyking SS200 200A with …