02:31 Syma X5C quadcopter – maximum altitude and falls Syma X5C quadcopter – maximum altitude and falls.
How a FPV Weekend should be Drone Racing IDRA, Arizona 2016 IDRA North America West Qualifier recap =) Such an amazing weekend with all these …
01:00 Drone Racing meets Freeskiing DCL at Freestyle Ski and Snowboardpark LAAX Each passion is a ripple of life, live and enjoy the ripples you have, …
10:18 Alexander Skjelten | training day | DJI Mini2 | Drone crash. 8:42 Drone Crash after a stunt on a bike #DJI_MINI2_crash #DJI #MINI2 #Briel #26.03.2021
06:36 Quadcopter highspeed action in the Alps – (800m dive!!!, Hirschwang, Rax, Mittagsstein, RCSchim) This location is on my list for some time now! Finally I had my …
00:00 Lazy Rona fpv cinematic fpv freestyle Geprc 5″ cinematic with a bit of freestyle for some added salt ?
01:32 Accelerate FPV Freestyle Submission please like the video if you enjoyed submission to Ontario FPV to win …
00:00 AlfaRc 3 Inch Quad Indoor Flight Spec Motor Full Speed 1106 4500kv Fc Flytower F4 Esc 20a Frame AlfaRc Fighter …