This 5-inch racing drone from Zonda Hobby ticks a lot of boxes and has an excellent build-quality. It’s also pretty damned fast and a heap of fun — even in my shaky hands.
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You’re lucky to have such a fabulous open space like that park. It seems our local councils are intent on selling open park space to developers or distanced family companies under the cloak of ‘Commercial in Confidence’.
Enjoy the freedom of your free flights, shaky hands or not. Love the apparent easy you flit around the park and trees.
Hi Bruce is it worth the money ?
12:00 Bruce my friend you never have to apologize for a shaky hands day we are all glad to see you flying
You’re an awesome guy,? doing all of this for us…love the quad, and thank you so much for sharing!?️??
All ccw props?
Good review, thanks Bruce!
Looks amazingly close to my frame range design from last year…. ???
Nice quality model for bashing around.Love eagle 2 pro fpv cam & fancy antenna bracket?
Bruce, I believe that they’re referring to the fact the motors rotate in towards the pitch axis as opposed to the roll axis!!!!
For the price that aint too shabby . I like reverse props but turtle mode could potentially sand blast the FPV camera . Too bad someone dosen’t make a cheap plastic slip over FPV cam lens protector . RunCam Owl 2 lenses getting hard to find .
Great review as always Bruce, however quads are so generic these days….. Take decent components (from any manufacturer) put them on any frame and get the same results. Last few quads I have built have all flown the same. So much so that I’m sticking with what I have until someone I trust (like yourself) tells me that the goalposts have moved.
Could a drone this size hold a GoPro 7 size camera?
9:11 jesue bruce put you’re props on the correct way
Remember when Walkera used to make products like this?
Had a look at this quad today and it in a class of it’s own .. nothing out there even close.. I built a lot of quads myself and this thing is worth every penny and flies really nice .. would like to see a 6s version as well with F7 boards.
Thanks for the great day Bruce
Bruce It makes me feel more confidant about flying with my essential tremor seeing how well you can fly with yours. Thank you for the great inspiration!
That opening 90 deg shot punch out is hilarious/impressive . First time I’d seen that angle, nice!
Hey Bruce. Bit off topic I know but your fellow countrymen have descended on my small home town (Chester le Street) in the North of England for the cricket ?! We don’t often have big games here! It’s so strange to hear crowds of people with that familiar accent so far from home in my home town! Good luck, may the best team win!
“im not going to unbox this, just gonna take it out of the box”
Looks good. Thanks for the review.
nice one Bruce
Did GB fdj hey uuefu HUD dtjge uh her g TV g grrr y uh ft. Yu in ruff RV juju crossing j
Reverse prop is awesome if you hit a branch it pushes the prop around the branch instead of sucking it in
That quad is a tank Bill really good the cold motor a battery beans they got the tuning down right really impressed with the removable motor guards biggest arms I think I’ve ever seen
amazing video review ! BTW, Would you like to review Wifi Endoscope ?
Great review, thanks.