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Find Your Drone with this LOUD LED Beacon – ViFly13:40

Giveaway over! Congrats to S O’brien, jamdanzer, and Andrew Drill for winning the three giveaway beacons!
2:38 – Beacon Demonstration
9:52 – Giveaway Details
Vifly Beacon: https://www.viflydrone.com/viflybeacon.html

Follow me on Instagram @rickerlife

Where I get my channel music: http://share.epidemicsound.com/qbRL7

Looking for aerial stock footage? Check out my Adobe Stock contributor profile: https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/207747223/Ed

My drone gear: http://www.EdRicker.com
AirVūz FPV Channel: https://www.airvuz.com/user/ricker-life-fpv
Check out my video making gear at https://kit.com/EdRickerVlogs

Buy the DJI Mavic 2 Pro: https://store.dji.com/product/mavic-2?pbc=GDniojmC&from=dap_product&as=0001&pm=link&vid=45291
Buy the DJI Mavic 2 Zoom: https://store.dji.com/product/mavic-2?as=0001&from=dap_unique&pbc=GDniojmC&pm=custom&site=brandsite&vid=45321
DJI Care Refresh for the Mavic 2: https://store.dji.com/product/dji-care-refresh-mavic-2?as=0001&from=search-result-v2&pbc=GDniojmC&pm=custom&position=0

If you’re looking to be a commercially certified drone pilot in the US, enroll in the Drone Pilot Ground School below.
Get $50 off by using the code: RICKER50

    1. Ed Ricker
    2. PaulwWong
    3. CK Steven
    4. Roger Bee
    5. Super Guppy
    6. U5 FB
    7. Mike E
    8. Donald Olsen
    9. Bill Brown
    10. Manuel Gómez del Campo
    11. Michael Pedersen
    12. William R.
    13. Christopher W
    14. John Daniels
    15. James Gruhn - n0dfi
    16. David Spilman
    17. Delvin Daugherty
    18. J O
    19. Michael Branigan
    20. Coast to Coast Drones'
    21. Nkosi Jackson

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