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coupon for the fullspeed toothpick:
code: BGrcescape 12%off end date: 6-30
Micro Quads are getting faster and faster with 3s battery capability now a normal set up out of the box but it is not completely polished for there are some issues.
Happymodel Sailfly BGSailfly 10% off end date: 6.30
2 x 3s 300 mah from Banggood
4 x 3s 300mah
2 x 3s 300mah batts
The Dark Sorcerer
Instagram: (@martynas_lau)
Great detailed review Pete. I think you got a substandard build with a weak Vtx and FC stability issues that the other reviewers didnt run into similar issues, I hope it isnt a production issue that came out after the early production runs of this model
Too bad you got a dud. Mine doesn’t have any of those issues. I bet fullspeed might give you a new one if you tell them.
Buen video saludo
Excellent review & flight Pete!! Hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day. Celebrated my 50th birthday yesterday with the family
Hi, why you have change to the Sailfly the props ?
Great review man, still deciding if I want to buy one.
coupon for the fullspeed toothpick:
code: BGrcescape 12%off end date: 6-30
With how small omni directional antennas are today like the axii, foxeer lollipops, stubbys, and ALL the other SUPER TINY micro sized circular polarized antenna’s, can’t stand it when manufacturers produce such a great quad and decide to just stick on a wire dipole antenna cheaping out on something that’s SO important… Nobody uses crappy rubber ducky dipole antennas on their goggles, don’t put them on any quads!! Even tiny whoops have them these days there’s NO excuse NO reason for that… Same goes for receivers, those aio built in board receivers are crap, a xm+ full range receiver is TINY use them!!!!
it’s zippy for sure! says 11000kv in the link description. that is way to high for 3s for me. the rpms are crazy on 3s. either way i’ve given up on fullspeed. the leader120 was the last thing i purchased from them that still works. 2 tinyleaderHD’s dropped out of the sky and never fired up again. cameras stopped working also. also purchased their 35a tower and that flew well for 3 batteries and now resets non stop. fullspeed replaced 1 stack for one of the tinyleaderhd’s and the replacement stacks video pins don’t work and has a strange wobble. they just stop responding to emails after awhile. no biggie, lots of other options out there. nice review, still rip’n!
Another Great Review Escape!! Fly’s Decent! Great Weather where Your’e at! Cali. here I Come LOL!! PA is Humid and Rainy…..
Nice review and flying man keep it up cheers ?
Nice review Pete, seems like a cool little quad, shame they didn’t include a lipo with it like you said and the random FOD issue on 3s. maybe it will come down a bit in price in a couple months or so like the sailfly has! thanks for sharing ..Thumbs up! ???
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