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GepRC Phantom Toothpick – Coupon Code05:17

GEPRC Phantom 16×16 version: http://bit.ly/30F9iVT
LIMITED Coupon code for 12% off: BGgeprc909

The one version with the three board stack doesn’t seem to be available yet.

Various other coupon code products that Banggood has allowed me to offer:

Foxeer Box 2: http://bit.ly/2Ia7Ove
Coupon Code: BGfb2kb 13%off end date: 7-20
I didn’t really like this camera but it’s fine. For those not in the USA this is a suitable option. My review here: http://bit.ly/2JcvJKU

FullSpeed Toothpick: http://bit.ly/2PAEIZl
Coupon code: BGrcescape 12%off end date: 6-30
Pretty good quad, here’s my review: http://bit.ly/2J7ticA

NEW QUADS FROM DIATONE that I worked on with them:

2.5″ – 2S 8500kv

2.5″ – 3S

3″ – 3S

The new 16×16 stack used in these: https://bit.ly/2XWCw4L

▼Join my FB group for more discussion: Kabab FPV

▼ Coupon code items
-GEPRC Phantom 16×16 version: http://bit.ly/30F9iVT
LIMITED Coupon code for 12% off: BGgeprc909

-X9 Lite Pro: http://bit.ly/2M2HS8x
Coupon code: BGX9LPKABA $99.99

-Banggood Summer Prime Sale: https://bit.ly/2JLwUBy
-Banggood 2019 Rc prime Sale: https://bit.ly/2LZUnS0

▼ My main 5″ quad setup:
-Hyperlite Glide Floss (will be re-released soon)
-Motor 1750kv/ESC combo: http://bit.ly/2XAEHXH
-WaFL’s Cap Cap: http://bit.ly/2GUpXxO
-Prop: http://bit.ly/2LfZS0k
-Battery: http://bit.ly/2XXjbwU
-FC: http://bit.ly/2XRc8G8
-FPV Cam: http://bit.ly/2Q7LfL7
-Vtx: http://bit.ly/2HsrASs
-ND GoPro Mount 30deg: http://bit.ly/2WC15zc
-ND Filter (if used): http://bit.ly/2WEmQ1j

▼Notable motors:
-Xing 2306: http://bit.ly/30uYo4Q
-Xing 2208: http://bit.ly/2y3te8R
-FANTASTIC 6″ motor: http://bit.ly/2LqghOZ

▼ 5″ Sub $200 build that’s still good
-Frame: https://goo.gl/EpXQhZ
-FC/4in1 Stack: https://goo.gl/HprVbj
-Motors: http://bit.ly/30uYo4Q
-Props: https://goo.gl/ZnzY2y
-Props: https://goo.gl/VMBiQh
-FPV Cam: https://goo.gl/FDJhYw
-Vtx: https://goo.gl/JNVDMn

-Starter goggles: https://goo.gl/GvJUkT
-Batt pad material: http://bit.ly/2QGWhYb

▼ If you want to solder better:
-Fantastic solder: https://amzn.to/2P5QM2W
-Fantastic iron: https://goo.gl/DqBipa

▼ Tips?
-PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/kababfpv
-Bitcoin: 1E4XZXoD4rS6MYWVWuenY7Kw2M1YgyNpoQ
-Nano: xrb_1188ek5bd7tb9kw67asnp9o65byuoaxbtpxuznx1ribf75x78awywmakj55f
-ETH: 0xD067F93811f2eC31CB1928901002dfdf9A492EF5
-LTC: La2KWYAjp4VT2Lq2M76pbjzXWvRyjpfCtG
-Tesla Referal code: https://ts.la/bob40889
Please use my referral code if you’re gonna buy a Tesla. You get some free stuff when you do and I get better status with Tesla.

    1. KababFPV
    2. Banner Drones
    3. Sebastiaan Rutgers
    4. Sebastiaan Rutgers
    5. Philablasta
    6. Sebastiaan Rutgers
    7. Todd Speck
    8. AlexFPV
    9. Todayi1itall
    10. Matt Fairfield
    11. Niklas Hecker
    12. Bobby Sakaki
    13. Beau Dupre

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