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HAKRC Storm32 3 Axis Brushless Gimbal on an Alfa Monster 7 inch frame running iNav a windy day.07:11

I was just curious what it would be to have a camera gimbal on a mini-quad, so I built a 7 inch and bought a cheap Storm32 gimbal. I think the gimbal works pretty well but it does have problems with fast yaw movements. Maybe there are some more parameters to stiffen up the yaw axis a little but I haven’t found that out yet. I have played a little with the pid setting of the gimbal and changes the orientation so it fits the mount on the quad.
I use GPS position hold and altitude hold in some parts of this video, but most of it is in acro mode.

My stuff:

7-inch build
Alfa Monster 7 inch frame.
Sunnysky X2212-10 1250KV motors
Gemfan Flash 7042 2-blade Propellers
TBS Crossfire Nano
Mamba F40 stack
TBS Unify Pro v2 5V VTX
HAKRC Storm32 3 Axis Brushless Gimbal
JHE M8N GPS Module with Built-in QMC5883 Compass
GY-BMP280-3.3 High Precision Atmospheric Pressure Sensor
Two 5-inch quads almost identical:
Stretch X 215 from Alexa-hobby
ZMX Fusion X20 2205 2300kv
Gemfan Wind Dancer or Gemfan 5152 two blade props
ESC Racerstar lab 28A
Unify Pro 5V V2
Homebuilt cloverleaf antennas
DYS F4 Pro, CCD Revo F4
Crossfire Nano RX

FrSky QX7, hall sensor gimbals
Crossfire TX
Fatshark HD3
Realacc RX5808 Split Receiver
ImmersionRC patch antenna
Fatshark skew planar wheel

iCharger X6
SkyRC iMax B6 Mini

    1. Fired FPV - Oran Tao
    2. Hisu FPV
    3. PixelcounterFPV

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