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RunCam 5 (Please Read Description Before Watching)36:07

Runcam 5: http://bit.ly/2ZX7CqC Coupon: Parts8
Runcam Shop: http://bit.ly/2YflNXx
Brain3d mounts: http://bit.ly/2RAPgsl

All BG coupons: http://bit.ly/2INFyjw

Apologies but I hope you can understand 12:55 I wont be answering questions on dynamic stretching or the cameras distortion correction setting. It could take the cam off the market
so if you have already made a comment It might be worth deleting it once you read this. Cheers

Time Stamps:
0:00 Session Killer?
3:23 RunCam 5 Specs
8:27 Changing The settings
12:55 Dynamic Video Stretch Rant
19:01 Settings Continued
25:42 FOV Differences
26:23 Sunny Flight 1440p native
26:59 1440p Dynamically stretched to 16:9
28:08 1080P 16:9 60fps
28:49 Audio
29:26 1080P XV (4:3 linear stretch)
29:54 2.7K 50FPS
30:36 4K 30fps with music
33:33 4k 30 XV (4:3 linear stretch)
33:43 4k 30 XV Converted back to 4:3
33:49 4k 30 4:3 dynamically stretched and converted to 60FPS
34:50 Why I dont like XV (linear stretch)

My Gear
Taranis: https://bit.ly/2ReLpUN
XM+ (look up rssi on channel 8) https://bit.ly/2H3NApB
R9M: http://bit.ly/2WKc91n
R9 MM Receiver http://bit.ly/2UeZ4vS
Crossfire: https://bit.ly/2ODAXkm
Jumper T12 Plus: https://bit.ly/2LYSd35
Flysky I6X: https://bit.ly/2QxancO
Fatshark HDO: https://bit.ly/2CXaGdi
Diopters: http://bit.ly/2HV1eKA
Aomway Commander: https://bit.ly/2Flg8bT
EV800D: https://bit.ly/2LXBq0m
FXT Viper for glasses: https://bit.ly/2shEpI1
Rapidfire: http://bit.ly/2EiMYrJ
Aomway Cloverleaf: https://bit.ly/2Qr05Lr
Menace Periscope: http://bit.ly/2NfHy8u
Menace Pico: http://bit.ly/2sNGP1p https://bit.ly/2Okh6Xz
Menace Bandicoot: http://bit.ly/2S81nzD https://bit.ly/2NGW3RH
5″ Props: https://bit.ly/2Rjy8KH
3″ Props: http://bit.ly/2S209Hj
Charger: https://bit.ly/2LWKwKR

Time Stamps:
0:00 Session Killer?
3:23 RunCam 5 Specs
8:27 Changing The settings
12:55 Dynamic Video Stretch Rant
19:01 Settings Continued
25:42 FOV Differences
26:23 Sunny Flight 1440p native
26:59 1440p Dynamically stretched to 16:9
28:08 1080P 16:9 60fps
28:49 Audio
29:26 1080P XV (4:3 linear stretch)
29:54 2.7K 50FPS
30:36 4K 30fps with music
33:33 4k 30 XV (4:3 linear stretch)
33:43 4k 30 XV Converted back to 4:3
33:49 4k 30 4:3 dynamically stretched and converted to 60FPS
34:50 Why I dont like XV (linear stretch)

Best Cameras:
Micro Swift: http://bit.ly/2Ilth4m
Caddx Ratel 1.6mm for 16:9 2.1mm for 4:3: http://bit.ly/2Pw9mD3

Best VTX:
IRC Tramp: https://bit.ly/2FiIROv

Best 30×30 stack: https://bit.ly/2FdilH4
Best 20×20 Stack for 5 inch: https://bit.ly/2SNzD0F
Best 20/20 stack for micros: https://bit.ly/2FfpJRo

Best 6 Inch rtf
Diatone 2018 GT-Tyrants 630: https://bit.ly/2Fiboni

Best 7 Inch rtf

Best BNF 5 racers inch (in order):
BATMAN220 (103MPH): https://bit.ly/2CVNcWf
Emax Hawk 5 (106MPH):https://bit.ly/2GYqAs9
Hobbymate Meteor (106mph): https://bit.ly/2Umzxy9
Hobbymate Comet (103mph): https://bit.ly/2NH0eJk
Kopis 2 SE (101 MPH): http://bit.ly/2WhrD91
KK 5GTL https (96MPH) https://bit.ly/2C7XAZc

Best 5 Inch Freestyle RTF:
Skystars Star-Lord https://bit.ly/2QymKFP

Best gopro mounts Brain3d:

Best Ultralight endurance RTF (in order)
Diatone GT-M515 (106mph) https://bit.ly/2Qv3fhl
LDARC 200GT (101mph) https://bit.ly/2H3QsTp

Best 3 inch Racer
Diatone GTR 369: http://bit.ly/31wfWPs

Best 3 Inch racers (sub 250 Gram) (in order)
Asteroid 3 (112mph) http://bit.ly/2Vx7dt7
Diatone GT-M3 (107mph) https://bit.ly/2CTOpx2
Diatone Gt-R349 (104 MPH) http://bit.ly/2Jtuz1g
HGLRC XJB-145 (99MPH) :https://bit.ly/2FdG8GH
Eachine TS130 (108mph): https://bit.ly/2RAKBZN

Best Sub 250G Cine Freestyle Copter:
Geprc GEP-CX Cygnet http://bit.ly/2RN0fl5

Best 2.5 Inch:
Diatone GT-M2.5 https://bit.ly/2Qv4oFF
Babyhawk R Pro https://bit.ly/2C9COsb

Best 2 Inch:
Babyhawk R: https://bit.ly/2H1f7YG

Best Tiny Whoop for indoors
UK65 https://bit.ly/2RuWMYj
Battery: https://bit.ly/2SNBeDH
TinyHawk S: http://bit.ly/2wBub7z

Outdoors Or larger Areas:
Mobula7: https://bit.ly/2LZ82Xm
UR85: http://bit.ly/2Hy7x6d
TinyHawk S: http://bit.ly/2wBub7z

Best Cine Whoop
Mobula7 HD http://bit.ly/2HGaeoq

Lipo Killers:


    1. AndyRC
    2. Jonathan Peatman
    3. Heiple2007
    4. Wesley Crutchfield
    5. Jrod RC
    6. AceMcMoron
    7. DRONE review man of all drones
    8. M I
    9. xjet
    10. Garry Kennedy
    11. Cory Smith
    12. Oli FPV
    13. Tim Sanders
    14. Qing Wong

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