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Speedy Bee 5 inch Freestyle Frame – Overview04:46

► Speedy Bee 5″ Frame: http://bit.ly/SpeedyBeeFrame || https://www.speedybee.com/speedy-bee-5-inch-freestyle-frame/?aff=8
► 3d Printed Parts: https://www.speedybee.com/3d-printed-drone-parts/?aff=8
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║ ►Radio – Taranis X9D: http://bit.ly/Frsky-X9D
║ ►Battery Charger – Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro: http://bit.ly/D6-Duo
║ ►Lipo Batteries: http://bit.ly/CNHL-BG

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Model: Speedy Bee FS225
Wheelbase: 225mm
Weight: 112g
Frame Height: 36mm
Camera fixed width: 36mm
Material: Carbon Fiber
Top plate thickness: 2mm
Heap bottom plate thickness: 2mm
Tail bottom plate thickness: 2mm
Arm thickness: 5mm
Recommended Components:
Motor Size:2204/2205 2207/2306/2405/2307/2308/2506
Prop Size:51499/5049/5043/5131/5040/5042/5146/4838
Camera:Micro Eagle/Micro Swift/Racer etc.

Music Used:

Track: Rise — Airixis | Audio Library Release
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/_Zm-OYmZdZY
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/Rise

#SpeedyBee #FreestyleFrame

    1. dbukyo
    2. JayDub
    3. Archer FPV
    4. Richard D
    5. MC's Creations
    6. the craft king #1
    7. Dragon Claw FPV
    8. M I
    9. Kruszyna FPV
    10. Mateyhv1
    11. Gabriel Biller Giareta
    12. PropsOff
    13. Joseph Bove

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