X-Rider Flamingo is worlds first Electric RC Racing Rickshaw tricycle. This is absolutely the funniest and most fun RC Vehicle you will ever drive. It offers 40km/h speed on brushed setup. Its absolutely stable and fun to drive and race around. And Not to mention you can easily install FPV Camera system inside to get an authentic rickshaw cockpit view to drive and race via first person view (FPV). its even more fun to FPV this Rickshaw.
Get the Rickshaw here
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At 1/8th scale with brushed motor, 2 in 1 ESC, powered by a Li-ion, this 2WD rear wheel drive Racing Rickshaw can pick up 40km an hour speed instantly. With Digital steering servo, handling is superb. 2.4ghz Full proportional steering and throttle offers superb controls. A metal bumper around the body provide total protection against hits and keeps the rickshaw from tilting over. Oil filled spring loaded shocks provide a very soft suspension for better racing and cornering handling. A 6061 Aluminum alloy thick plate on the bottom protects the electronics and transmission. And best of all you will love the bobbing head driver inside the cockpit. Get two or three and you can engage in funniest indoor or outdoor racing with friends or family members. This is definitely a two thumbs up product. Highly Recommended.
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Production music whenever present in Videos unless mentioned separately is courtesy of Epidemic Sound
#rickshaw #rcrickshaw #rcracing
At USD170, it’s a bit pricey!
Muito legal.. Very cool again!!!!
That was hilarious lmfao!
Thats more useless than my RC touring car..didn’t think it was possible…good for a good laugh I guess.
That was funny
Pretty cool! Your sound effects are so hilarious. lol It reminds me of the first time you flew long rage FPV to that smoke stack.
Fun little rc..
Man she gets up and moves..
I totally enjoyed your sound effects over the vechile performance. Lol
Cool, but not the first.
Tamyia T3-01
now thats epic and hilarious
Well… this may be your most annoying video yet Ali. I actually had to mute the sound!?
Also, don’t you think this thing is ridiculously expensive for a non-offroad car? It seems very limited to me. ?
GM, Ali. This is a 1st for me too, as i went straight to the link , after watching the hilarious intro. A 1st !!! ?? Great job. ?
Those were some very accurate sound effects.
LOL!!!!!! That is so funny. But very fast and looks fun ;o))))
The Quality seem to be good but not for 170$ I don’t know if that price is right or not I looked on site and price was in different type of money. I got to hand it to you U got a RC Rickshaw and made it look like fun sound effects great
I honestly no disrespect 30 $reasonable 40$ getting to close to reminding you its A RickShaw ! The coolest ever seen and hope I get to ride on back of one like that but full skall
I keep seeing this on my recommended items and wanted one just because it looks cool now after seeing your video I reaaalllyyy want one lol .. and I’ll be converting it to brushless if it’s a brushed setup .. lol
OMG! your joy at driving this was absolutely infectious
Lol ?