FullspeedRC Toothpick Review16:52

I forgot to mention i added two little zip ties to the front of the canopy to help stabilize it. You can see them in the video. Not a bad little bird, but it could be so much better imo. This is the dsmx version and I had no failsafe issues. The little receiver seems pretty good and easy to bind in betaflight cli using set spektrum_sat_bind = 9 , then save and unplug, plug in a battery and go to bind on your radio.

This was only my 3rd and 4th flight with it and it was easy to go from a 5 inch to this and back. So yes it feels similar to a 5 inch, but not quite the same power or momentum.

I got my toothpick here
FullSpeed Toothpick FPV Racing Drone 2-3S 1103 65mm prop 25-600mw VTX

For you international customers you can get one here

    1. Jonnitheeagle
    2. Broken FPV
    3. Huckaberry FpV
    4. Nik
    5. Nik
    6. Frostbite Fpv
    7. Nik
    8. ktmjay
    9. Nik

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