CX 20 Extremely High Altitude Flight in the clouds!10:22

Entirely too high of an altitude flight. In the clouds. Almost lost the Quad!! 2000 ft + high.

CX-20 from –

SunnySky motors from –

Stock CX-20 transmitter, SunnySky motors, 10″ Gemfan props 1045R, larger capacitors on the stock ESC, and a 3DR 5100mAh battery.

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    1. WhiffleX
    2. T101cyberdynesystems
    3. Matt Clegg
    4. Drone Girl
    5. Bill Branning
    6. JB
    7. Tito Adiyanto
    8. Flagador TV
    9. MrPolymers
    10. Gary O'Hare
    11. steve lowenstein
    12. Theodore Sandoval
    13. Emmy Diaz
    14. Emmy Diaz
    15. kidwithaquadcopter
    16. essexracer27
    17. Sunny's Gadget Reviews
    18. Chaser45 Chaser
    19. Крутые Охотники За Приведениями
    20. Cptnxavier Trujillo
    21. Todd Zilla
    22. Joe Quadcopter
    23. mderoller
    25. 1975supermike
    26. CT Aerial
    27. pete piper

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