DJI Mavic Pro Record Altitude 2.500m – 8.200ft – How to check wind speed07:44

This is a new record for my drone, flying at 2.500m over the sea in the island of Milos.
I also give instructions on how to check the current wind speed on various altitudes before such a flight.
Don’t forget to check the world range record with my dpi Spark which has an amazing ending here:
The link to check the wind speed is:
If you wish to modify your flight parameters visit the following channel:
Don’t forget to give him thumbs up !!
For “those guys” :
No plane was in a 100 km radius at the time of the flight.
No fire on the island so no fire fighting planes.
There is no military base.

More videos to check:

DJI Manual or Automatic RTH? Which is faster? which consumes less battery?

DJI Mavic Pro Acceleration – How fast to 100, 200, 500 meters?

DJI Range test over a lake and emergency landing!!

Music: Happy Life + Flying high from FREDJI

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    3. Αντώνης παπαδοπ
    4. x2eXu50x
    5. Fatih Ünal
    6. FL moseley
    7. efren miranda
    8. Jay Graphix
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    12. Ben A1
    13. Ivan Perez Alagona
    14. ApexHR
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    16. Tony Lambo
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