Check Out The “Perfect F7 Flight Controller, Duel Gyro, 10V and more The …
Jesus, I heard drones were good…. but this is f*eckin’ unbelievable. Nice
demonstration video, keep up the good work, but remember stay safe.
merhaba bende phantom3 var amabaglantı çok kısa sürede kesiliyor.
bu cihazda upgrade varmı?
Abi uzaya çıkıyor mu bunlar 😀 çok iyi yaa ben bunu almak için para
biriktirdiğimde kesin yasakların bu türkiyede :D
tekrar merhaba phantom2 kumanda cihaz arası iletişimi ne ile sağlıyor
Wesh c’est un bledart qui a fait ça xD
above the clouds so beautiful
that gimbal tho
What a complete irresponsible idiot. I am a pilot too and don’t want to hit
one of these drones at speed. If you were in the UK you would be in jail
Man this is so dangerous!
I will say it is beautiful video…But please fly responsibly…
I just picked up a p 3 p test shows can go as far as a 1 1/2 mile depends
on a good signal
There really is no need to take the bird up this high anything can go wrong
hit a plane or small plane…. I’ll take my p/3/p to about 300 feet and at
that height I can barely see it has it is I like to try and keep 1300$ in
my line of site lol.
Merhaba , Eyüp Bey
Video için kutlarım – çok başarılı !!!
Bende GoPro4 var , bu yüzden DJI 3 değilde , DJI 2 almayı düşünüyorum . Bu
düşüncem hakkında yorumunuzu rica ediyorum !!!
Wow what a view!
that view though! Beautiful!!!
phantom 3 standart dun elime gecti zamanim oldugunda videolarimi yuklemeye
baslarim bu arada tebrikler 1500 ne laa :)
why would you do this in a populated area? so dangerous, so stupid…
Terikler abi süper 🙂 İzlediğim en iyi çekimdi 🙂 KBu video dan sonra kesin
karar verdim almaya
wow gooooooooooooooood
Spencer Boaz
You do know that if your in the US the FAA is going to come after you now .
All they want is to give you a $5000 fine for the proof you posted to
You-Tube of being over 400 feet up . Oh yea thanks for helping bring on the
registration for all drones now with your video . from over 400 feet up .
Cool video Thanks . Now they know right where to find you .
at 6:25 it was getting scary
This is absolutely stupid. This type of thing is bad for everyone.
idiot and damn risky
And thank you for filming your fucking self and your fucking car in the background you MORON!
I hope you crashed that fucking drone of yours you fucking IDIOT! PEZEMEK!
Yo…I think I saw PAC.
wow!!! I wonder if it is possible at that altittude, to completely stop all engines and let it drop free for a few seconds and then engage power again when it is almost about to crash!!? that would be a a great shot!!!!!
Looks flat for me :p
What is a drone name plz comment fast
Atakum sanırım orası
I watched such many drone videos!
only under this video each comment negative, attacking even insulting, why?
cause this video from Turkey?
so guys I says, as from Turkey! please fuck off and fuck yourself if you have problems with Turkey.
Even not hitting a plane that high up it still left plenty of opportunity to kill someone on the ground had this flight not have ended well, Pretty dangerous flight
c’est interdit par la loi !!!!!
i don’t like it.. It’ s not cool for the airplane.
Sik a fa po rial piñata csgs Fahd ha slakj
How you get that high without losing signal from the drone
Sensacional !