Drone HIGH ALTITUDE AMAZING VIEWS Drone Footage straight from the new DJI Phantom 5 Mavic 202:02

Drone High Altitude From SPACE, amazing views, stunning footage, or is it? Maybe this is the new DJI Mavic 2 Pro or Zoom, or the Phantom 5.
Watch this stunning amazing footage of Earth from the high altittude of space. Best drone footage on Earth.

Oh wait……………………………………………………..this isnt taken with a drone……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..no its a cheeky clickbait video for a bit of fun hehehe.

Sorry for miss leading but i had this video for the video and just had to make it as a bit of fun away from all the serious videos.

Clickbait fun hehe ISS Footage of Earth.

Footage taken from:

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    1. ADMR1985
    2. ATDrones
    3. James Wells
    4. country//420// farmer
    5. Kardoso Media
    6. Mary Reed
    7. ADMR1985

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