JJRC H8C QuadCopter Drone – Kissing The Clouds In Hawaii – [High Altitude RANGE MOD Test]05:52

This Quad is about 350 to 400 feet high. I’ve had great results swapping out the short stock controller antenna, soldering a wifi router antenna and making sure the antenna is folded perpendicular to the quad during flight as the signal is radiated from the sides not the tip (Links below on how to do the range mod and many others). Have not lost signal yet with this set up and I can barely see it in the sky at this range. It is just a little white dot. I’m using the Lectron 950mah battery upgrade which was giving me 12+ minutes of run time but finally fried a motor with this flight. It lasted a good 20+ runs until the motor went. Next upgrade will be ball bearings and perhaps better quality motors if I can find any in this small size.

H8C up in fireworks

H8C medium altitude Video

H8C stock controller 500ft range mod

H8C Best Mods Part 1

H8C Best Mods Part 2 detailed installs

Replacement Clockwise Motors:

Replacement Counter Clockwise Motors:



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    1. Abel Varela
    2. Dustin Dunnill
    3. goose 1972
    4. Dustin Dunnill
    5. Captain Tripps
    6. Dustin Dunnill
    7. Dustin Dunnill
    8. Jaime Mejias
    9. Jaime Mejias
    10. Sterling Clerk
    11. Sterling Clerk
    12. Tamás Pintér
    13. UnlimitedVertical
    14. jctoad
    15. anderson paixao silva silva
    16. Bang Baco
    17. gadgetman 404
    18. ron willis
    19. xtratalk1
    20. MrPolymers
    21. macau pan
    22. Alex Cooper

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