This is a Quadcopter simulator for Android and iOS. Its a Sim with FPV, HUD, Control sensitivity, auto-stabilization, altitude hold and much more stuff..
Basic Tutorial for beginner Starts at 1:35
Google Play Store Link Paid App No inapp Purchases (Everything enabled):
Apple Store Link Paid app No inapp purchases (Everything Enabled):
Google Play Store Link Free App with inapp Purchases:
An App for Novice or expert Quadcopter / Multirotor RC Drone users to practice skills and to have fun.
1) Based on real physics Model of Quadcopter
2) Interactive selection of different cameras modes:
* Eye level Camera
* Two First Person View Cameras
* Follow Camera
You can now walk around while flying, looking at the quad either by dragging the middle of screen or by enabling accelerometer button on the left side in the Eye level Camera Mode..
3) Heads up Display(HUD)
Displaying real-time Pitch, Roll, Heading, Altitude and Speed.
4) Adjustable Control sensitivity Settings
Input control sensitivity settings can be adjusted via settings page.
5) Auto Stabilizing adjustable
Auto stabilizing sensitivity can be adjusted via settings page.
Tip: Expert users can reduce or disable this feature. Novice user can increase this feature.
6) Altitude Hold Switch
If ON the quad will try to maintain the altitude when it was switched on.
warning: If Auto Stabilizing is set to low and/or control sensitivity is set to high, be gentle with controls or it might not be able to hold altitude.
7) Advanced Settings added via in-App purchase
If enabled users can change the Total Weight and Total thrust values. Very useful features to test when making your own Quadcopter or planning to buy one. Or to check how much payload can be lifted. Also once enabled it will be enabled for all the other Quads.
8) Multiple Quad Selection via in-app Purchases.
9) Multiple mode Input Support.
Now it supports mode1, mode2. mode3, mode4 and accelerometers. You can change via settings page
10) Camera rotation in FPV camera.
Click and Drag from center of screen on FPV1 camera. Double click in center to reset.
11) Added Dynamic Wind
Wind effect will reduce when behind the building.
11) Added some basic Challenges for Time Pass.
12) Added Ground Effects.
13) Multiple Scene Selection via in-app Purchase
Is the already release to Apple App Store now?
Apple app store link is already in description…
Is there a version that will run on a PC?
Right now there is no PC version but we are considering to release soon.
Just doing some surveys for demand on PC.. Thankyou
+Prabhjot Singh tonychacha
+Prabhjot Singh every he is my uncle =)
+Luvneet Singh Bamrah tonychacha! From where u got the pc vedsion????? =/
+Luvneet Singh Bamrah

Hello Luvi .. Its Great to see you here. I hope you are having good Time
I’d like a PC version!
…A PC version?
We are working on PC version.. That should be available very soon..
Can i get a link?
pc version would be good
Great. Would be great if you could create worlds first quad sim with
awesome grapics
It needs to have wind effects and GPS accuracy modeled so it “wanders”
about when in alt hold.. Looks good though.
I want to get this on my iPhone 4s… is it worth it???
Any news on the PC version? I want to use my ps3 remote for a better feel
while not flying outside.
It is under Final testing.. BTW if you are using android device which
supports USB Host or OTG then you can use the controller via usb OTG
cable.. You need to enable Controller in settings screen. Here is the
video of a guy using Dual Shock on this simulator. Quadcopter FX Simulator
on Dual Shock Thanks
Great App !
How do you loop sideways?
You need to reduce the auto-stabilization sensitivity and increase the
control sensitivity in the settings page. Thanks
Is there a way to plug a real controller to it? I have a FrSky X9D Taranis.
Well there is No direct way to connect Real R/C Controller to mobile
devices. Thanks..
You can use an Xbox 360 controller with otg USB adapter. .works great!
I also have a Taranis! Awesome TX
Do 5 sideways loops staying below 100 ft???
You need to reduce the auto-stabilization sensitivity and increase the
control sensitivity in the settings page. Thanks
Pretty good sim, better with Xbox 360 controller!
Very good app for initial quadcopter/helicopter training for learning
nose-in flying
actually this is pretty good, much better than crashing the real thing.
This looks good on Android Prabhjbot. Just one question…Why in the heck
do you have the red and green orientation lights reversed? Why? Why? Why?
The DJI and most popular quads have green in back and red in front.
AT LEAST put an option in settings to toggle the orientation lights. Great
app otherwise.
These are the things I’d like to see being added to the simulator
1) Recording functions (to share your flights)
2) Vegetation (to fly through trees)
3) more areas to fly at
4) Acro mode (the latest update doesn’t seem to have acro mode)
After working with this sim, if I plan to buy a real quad w/o cam, which
one would you suggest?
+solid snake lots of options. Do you want to race? do slow moving videos? I
have a 250, quanum nova, and an ominus doimida… all are fun to fly. The
hardest one would be the 250 (naze 32 flight controller) as its very
programmable and i’ve yet to find the sweet spot.
Very impressive! Thank you for giving me something truly remarkable to
practice with before investing in a real quadcopter. Truly, thank you.