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Sawmill Peak Proximity Flying (TBS discovery, FPV Quadcopter)08:59

Flying around Sawmill peak and surrounding area In Northern California near the towns of Paradise and Magalia at the West Branch Feather canyon.

Please help support fire season staffing of the tower at sawmill peak
visit the link below to find out how to help

Video is several flights over a 3 day period.

The grainy footage with all the white numbers is what I see while I’m flying. The numbers are generated from a GPS unit (EzOSD) to help me navigate and let me know my fuel situation (Battery Power). Altitude is based from the takeoff point and with all the flying around hills it can go a little out of whack that’s why speed shows slow and altitude isn’t changing like crazy while falling down the hills. Distance seems to be fairly accurate.

The HD footage is Gopro footage recorded from the flight.

At the end of the video you can find information on what I used to fly this flight


HD tower landing 3:38
Pilot view (OSD) 4:54
Tower landing pilot footage (OSD) 6:53
Fastest flight: 7:54
equipment used 9:20

    1. Danr_657
    2. Ornery Fpv
    3. Danr_657
    5. Danr_657
    6. UV flyer
    7. Danr_657
    8. tlfunk51
    9. Danr_657
    10. TheSnipeworm
    11. Danr_657
    12. youdobin0
    13. Danr_657
    14. mountaindewdude76
    15. Danr_657
    16. Darren Courtney
    17. Danr_657
    18. Sierra AP
    19. Danr_657
    20. Weston F Mickey
    21. Danr_657

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