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Syma X23W beginner WiFi FPV Transmitter or APP control Altitude Hold19:51

Nice flyer, 0.3mp camera, 50mm Low profile design, fully assembled ready to fly (RTF)
Syma X23W: https://goo.gl/ze7cB7
Don’t need the WiFi FPV Save a third of the price Syma X23: https://goo.gl/k969e1
Use coupon “RC18OFF” for 13% discount get X23w for only £28 instead of £32 get X23 for only £19 instead of £22
How to fly using an APP video: https://youtu.be/eqz707SC_uw

    1. Tigger's RC Reviews
    2. Hernando Rojas
    3. theoztreecrasher
    4. BadChizzle
    5. Big drone flyer77
    7. Bobby Fillettcky
    8. Tarvitz Phaeron
    9. G Bro
    10. Michael Mcreynolds
    11. Luan X
    12. Aussie Mark
    13. Gus Alcon

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