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Visuo XS809W Folding FPV 720p HD Camera Drone Flight Test Review14:28

This cheap portable folding FPV drone records relatively good 720p HD video. Throw it in your backpack and take it hiking. Find the 720p HD version WITH ALTITUDE HOLD here $10 off with coupon HJUNVS https://goo.gl/AMqJg2 *Spare batteries here* https://goo.gl/9mZ3SS NOTE THAT CURRENT VERSION NOW BEING SHIPPED CONTAINS ALTITUDE HOLD FEATURE.
and here is a cheaper low resolution 0.3MP version (does not have 720p HD camera), $8 off with coupon LQPMPV https://goo.gl/mnlTvN

– The quadcopter’s arms are foldable to make it very portable, such as in a backpack (similar to DJI Mavic Pro).
– Very maneuverable and sporty for a camera quadcopter. (Note, the current version being shipped now contains altitude hold)
– Can be controlled and flown via its controller or your smartphone/tablet. Controller buttons are all well labeled.
– Records relatively good quality 720p 20fps HD FPV video directly to a microSD memory card inserted into the quadcopter. Will also record video to your phone via WiFi, however the WiFi transmitted video is of lower VGA resolution.
– Camera lens can be swiveled up (to view sky and horizon), or down (to eliminate props from camera view)
– XSW UFO app is available on Google Play here https://goo.gl/r4fJdd and itunes here https://goo.gl/2m6Vyh
– Good control and FPV range of about 80 meters.
– Headless mode and one key return.
– Does not require FAA registration (and as of 5/19/2017, no quadcopter does anymore 🙂

– Proprietary battery.
– Version now being shipped contains altitude hold. As such, flight capability may be different than shown in this video, with less throttle control due to the height hold feature.

Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.

This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding “free” video editor here http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor

“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.

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