This quadcopter is simply designed with arduino nano and gy87. Stable and final tuned. My next video will be modified of this project.
Current Features: Alt Hold, Mag Hold, Heading Free, No drift, fail safe auto landing feature.
Modify Features: WI-FI camera, WI-FI control, LED, GPS
My facebook page below:
Nice video 😉 What about using other Arduino sensors, like gyro
stabilisation or flight level control or one of the most interesting gps
control? I’ve seen on youtube some kind of android connection to control
the copter by using an own written app for it. Your 2 projects have
much potential. Keep it up!
Yes I used the GPS module which is in another video. It is so interesting
to set the custom waypoint. Also I was tested many of the Gyro everything
are similar but 10 dof is the best gyro module.
dude why is the gyro accelerometer needed, if you are controlling the thing
with the remote, couldn’t you just manually adjust for any unnecessary
tilt? and do i defo need a gyro accelerometer to get the quad copter
You did very well!!!
Go check out the Arducopter:
Cual es el peso del robot?
Hello, where we can see the progress of the project? I’m interested because
I want to make a arduino based multicopter. You have the arduino sketch to
Thank you!
would you kindly share the code please? i wanna study it. to make my own,
with the base of yours. email it to me please?
This is really good. Did you get a good mark for this?
Yes i got good mark 😛
good job, this project interested me, I can pass the code and materials
utilisaste. thank you very much beforehand
i need the code bro
plzzz ur help would be appreciated….
this is a boss project m i would like to do something similar, cant wait to
I have one question: u said than 2200mAh LiPol endure 10 minutes on one
qcopter and 15 minutes on another. Pls say me how is it possible that my
qcopter endure only about 8 minutes with 4000mAh :-/
do you use higher amp ESC? how much is your quadcopter weight? do you use
bigger propellers? Those 3 things make your battery life lower … you have
to reduce as much as you can do lighter frame and small ESC and small
thx for answer. My ESC Turnigy Plush are 30A and my NTM motors are 26A,
Weight about 1.2kg. Are you sure about the propellers? I have read the
bigger propeller = bigger efficiency.
Yes bigger propller is for more performance so they need more power to
spin. Motor got a lot more work todo, motor will generate the heat. It is
vice versa its depend on your requirements.. If you need longer flying time
reduce the ESC ampere and smaller propellers. If you want highest
performance so less flight time use bigger motor, bigger ESC and bigger
what is the cost (price) of whole This quadcopter?
About £120 exclusive transmitter
good job, but i couldnt see the Alt hold feature..
How did you power your Arduino. Are you using a power distribution board
A good wifi sport caméra :
Did you use a power distribution board?
No I didn’t. You can use it if you need to but I tried to reduce the weight
as much as I can
Awesome! Already 2 quadcopters made is a big thing. Can I ask how much the
components of 1 would cost? And also the arduino code you used? I’m maybe
going to build one myself
+Arthur Populaire Thank you for your comment, all the equipment cost around
£79. You need to buy transmitter £45 seperate. You can use multi device
when you have one transmitter. I used manual arduino for calibration in the
beginning. You can use Multiwii code for advance user.
Nice job man
Nice quad 🙂 What’s the music at the end?
hi:) for arduino did you used your own PID library or the common one? and
what values did u used for kp,ki,kd?
That quad is awesome
Good inspiring !!