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COMPLETE AND UTTER NOOBS at quadcopter/drone flying! Useless FAIL video! Sbego FQ777.00:00

This video is not to be taken seriously! And neither are we!

Matthew and I are utter noobs, when it comes to quadcopters… can you tell?

Join us, as we try and fly the little Sbego 124 FQ777 quadcopters, for the first time, and despair, at our lack of skills!

We’ll get better… promise!

These little things are only £20, down from £24, at Tay Models, Perthshire, Scotland!

Once again, Apologies for the grainy/blurry image. The camera is full HD, but it doesn’t seem to be good indoors and/or with poor-to-mid light conditions. We will be investing in a Go Pro camera, at some point, for this kind of video.

Music: Retrosoul – Bensound.com

RCing Around- An RC channel from Scotland, dedicated to making memories and having a laugh! Please keep up with Mike, Matthew and others, as we share, with you, our experiences in the fantastic radio controlled hobby.

Google Plus page: http://www.google.com/+rcingaroundhq
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Always support your local hobby store. Ours is Tay Models, Perthshire, Scotland (www.taymodels.co.uk).

Keep up with various projects, discussions and information at the MSUK forums (www.msuk-forum.co.uk), Mike’s profile id is Praet0r87. Sign up and join in!

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