First off, this was a good few years ago long before the drone code ever existed, and it was my first drone a very basic Syma x8 with some bright LED lights I’d fitted on it. I flew it one evening to get some night time footage. No RTH or anything like that. Got some height and after a while I saw it tumbling from the sky out of control. It had lost the signal. Out of range I guess. On the video you hear the motors stop and the air rushing past as it fell. A heart stopping moment and real adrenaline rush! as I thought I’d never see that, or the camera it had on it again. It was only a few seconds, though it felt like an eternity. Then a few seconds on I realised it had a signal again and I regained control. Flew it back towards me, landed and retrieved it. Video doesn’t show landing, Lesson learned. I didn’t do that again.
Ooohh! You were just a very naughty boy back then Bob! ЁЯШЙ
Still sneak a flight or two on the trusty old X8C now & then. Got plenty of batteries and a fist full of motors & drive parts that’ll probably never get used up.
I had a Syma X8 do a fly-away on me a couple of years ago; one moment it was hovering nicely at an altitude of approx. 30 feet and the next moment it rocketed diagonally up — I watched helplessly as it disappeared into a cloud never to be seen again. ЁЯЩБ
Heart stopping for the UFO spotter as well Bob!