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We are back – Great flying – Funny moments – FPV flying – Rocket engine – Crash29:36

Great day at Stoneman’s ” air field”. Today we visited Stonemans airfield. It is an road with little traffic. We like to fly here because of great space. This weekend it was fullsize gliders at Frya airport.
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rc plane engine, rc plane crashes, perverted talking, great flying, nice rc models, super day, maiden flights.
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RCgutt – RC gutt – RC gutten
Crash video – Funny accidents – How to crash – RC Flying humor channels – fails and accidents – how to fly rc
crazy people
FPV flying
Align Trex 450 SE
F3a 40.size OS LA46
90mm EDF Viper jet Taft hobby
Cub clipped wing
Mustang 40 size
Model rocket on rc plane
EPO timber plane

MUSIC LICENSE: Http://www.Bensound.com

Tags:, , ,
    1. Martin Lorenz
    2. roguesquatcher
    3. xjet
    4. Martin
    5. stankatz01
    6. stankatz01
    7. Raptor50aus
    8. Nigel Henry
    9. Nigel Henry
    10. Harald Schevik
    11. Tim Lindsey
    12. GrumpyMadman
    13. Don Wood
    14. Soren Kuula
    15. Lee AC

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