Chinese yellow ESC controller not working, only beeping
Problem with new 30A ESC controllers – cannot be programmed or simply run, only beeping (two pieces). Input voltage is correct (measured and tested with three other ESCs with no problems). Hence I have no clue what the problem is.
Make calibration and multiwii they earn , though burn quickly
Luca Tagnani
i have the same esc.. i had the same problem. I resolve it with this
calibration procedure: full throttle then take ON the esc; keep full
throttle until you listen same sound then 0 throttle!
(sorry for my english)
Make calibration and multiwii they earn , though burn quickly
i have the same esc.. i had the same problem. I resolve it with this
calibration procedure: full throttle then take ON the esc; keep full
throttle until you listen same sound then 0 throttle!
(sorry for my english)