Darkstorm X8AMG look inside, stripped down 3s LiPo speed test flight03:49

Darkstorm X8AMG as reviewed WHITE : https://goo.gl/DBpff8 or in BLACK: https://goo.gl/tqEROg Supplied by Gearbest. Syma X8 clone with brushless motors
Link to review: https://youtu.be/m2cr8OEyWP0
Link to flight and review summary: https://youtu.be/L0aLfXpeAn8
Link to gimbal, action-cam and 3 cell test: https://youtu.be/THHy_SV2YdU

    1. TechArchive
    2. Tigger's RC Reviews
    3. Mark “Quadbod” Westbrook
    4. TheMadmacs
    5. Steve B
    6. David Scheitrum

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