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Diatone Crusader GT200s 2017 Speed Test – Drone of the Year | The Fastest Production Drone12:03

The Diatone Crusader 2017 GT200 series is the new standard in Premium FPV Drone Racers!. This GT200 looks and more importantly flies like a dream.
The weather conditions were HOT, HUMID, and miserable. There was a 60% of rain and that means 100% on days we film.

The LongBow RC Graphane Packs out preformed the Tattu packs in terms of flight range power, but both packs seems about equal for the 1st 25% of the flight. The LongBow had more power during the remaining 75% of the flight.

Performance vs price – the LongBow hands down is the better pack.

We will revisit and try to figure out the radar gun issues – ive done this 100 times before, this is the 1st time anything went this fast.. We did the wizards just before the GT200 at upper 70’s MPH with no issues at all Same Gun, same place, just slower quad 🙂

I could of edited them all out, but i wanted to ‘try’ to give unbiased readings showing we did not get all good readings.. for whatever that is worth 🙂


    1. Jason Donovan
    2. InFrontOfYourBack1
    3. Axion Kinetics
    4. Alan Savage
    5. Elliot_fpv
    6. James Rostie
    7. DiciurcioCabinets MDiciurcio
    8. Storm Westcott
    9. GrumpyMadman
    10. Adam-g1
    11. dave danyadi
    12. preston Jenkins
    13. phil tribe
    14. David
    15. Chad Dawson
    16. QuadAttack FPV
    17. erwin braaksma
    18. Marwin B.
    19. SHOT28 FPV
    20. Anthony Flores
    21. Taco TheTurtle
    22. ghamy altaff
    23. ATRAIU
    24. Skybound FPV
    25. cristianbl1987
    26. mack daddy
    27. James
    28. Bass Brashier
    29. Danger Davefpv
    30. Danger Davefpv
    31. James Rostie
    32. Elliot fpv
    33. Alan Savage
    34. Tonio9606
    35. Tonio9606
    37. Aidan Hughes
    40. Minde66 o
    41. Double FPV
    42. Archer FPV
    43. Grayson Hobby
    44. Paul Golden
    45. BigD-FPV
    46. VideoGame Polak
    47. AussiAngler5
    48. Cereal Killer
    49. Tom Flattery
    50. ekrem basır
    51. Bob Keller
    52. Blade FPV
    53. SHOT FPV
    54. roman altaff
    55. CristiaNFpv87
    56. PhillyDroneLife Michael D
    57. Victor Vector

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