The Diatone Crusader 2017 GT200 series is the new standard in Premium FPV Drone Racers!. This GT200 looks and more importantly flies like a dream.
The weather conditions were HOT, HUMID, and miserable. There was a 60% of rain and that means 100% on days we film.
The LongBow RC Graphane Packs out preformed the Tattu packs in terms of flight range power, but both packs seems about equal for the 1st 25% of the flight. The LongBow had more power during the remaining 75% of the flight.
Performance vs price – the LongBow hands down is the better pack.
We will revisit and try to figure out the radar gun issues – ive done this 100 times before, this is the 1st time anything went this fast.. We did the wizards just before the GT200 at upper 70’s MPH with no issues at all Same Gun, same place, just slower quad
I could of edited them all out, but i wanted to ‘try’ to give unbiased readings showing we did not get all good readings.. for whatever that is worth
My basic cheeseball quad I built for $140 is nearly that fast
Where is that local field?
So that 98 mph pass was probably more around 107 mph. Since the quad is not at the same altitude as you and also no coming directly at you, you have 2 separate instances of “cosine error”. If we knew exactly how high he was from you and the exact angle he was coming towards you we could calculate the exact speed.
That transmitter looks familiar….lol. Excellent video Will & Basil!! Looking forward to Part 2
Maybe the bad readings are from the moving props interfering
You can get more top end speed with dual blade props instead of 3 ????
Hey guys as always I love your videos. Can’t wait to order some of them grafeene batteries for my two diatone 2017 addition quads.I got one stretch and one x. Purple and blue Judi Newcastle they’re beautiful pieces of Tec. I want to let everyone know that I’m a big time new guy and just had to have these because of how awesome they look.Wow. I know, I know, not a good reason to buy a quad, and like basel said there absolutely way way way too much quad for me. I had to take the thing apart to fix the camera angle straight just so I could fly fpv. So for now Im looking at mostly prop in my view. Ugh. However, with that said, I am getting better on it and IF I can fly this thing man o man I could fly anything. So it’s debatable. I just go easy with it. I DO enjoy my Wizard220 a bit more, right now, just because it fits my present skill level well. But in a few months I will grow into the diatone then look out. Thanks guys, and can’t wait to see the comparison between the two models.
How many cells are the libos
Big balls getting that close with the radar gun in the name of science! It was scary hearing the passes over recorded audio, must have sounded wicked standing there. You probably should have a sheet of plywood or something to hide behind, just in case. You wouldn’t ever want to take a Crusader off the bean at 95mph. Damn a quad sounds frightening at that speed.
Love these videos, maybe your issue with the radar gun is readings off the props?
Great review guys! Your review made it here to the fastest quads of 2017: loving mine its destroys the field where i mentioned doing a part 2? Would love to see you using a lighter battery 1300mah with maybe a higher C rating? Ive been pulling 80amps with 5040 not a big fan of the 5152 props they came with but how about if you could do a speed test with these please or some racekrafts? Im sure 110mph is possible.what about a 5s battery? 120mph? Cant wait to see more from this beast. Waiting with anticipation for part 2!!!!!!
Lol this is my second quad. Insanely powerful. Bought a FC from u guys I burned out my original fury 3 when I was first setting up my gt200(receiver shorted board didn’t have anything in between them. ) nice to see u guys making vids on this quad
That thing is beast , want one
Why did you just land on the battery and scrape the shit out of it?
Guaranteed 115-125 with 5045 BN props…. Also stand still and don’t move when using the radar gun. I am an ex military radar systems depot level engineer. Your measuring speed with a cheap gun, keep it still or even mount it on a tripod and get out of the way of danger… one screw vibrates loose and your in a chair the rest of you life. Not worth it in my opinion. Also curious as to why would you want to test for speed with props made for maneuvering? I am guessing that is what they come with, but I have seen 20-40% top end increases by going with the proper props pitch and placement. Try cutting the tips off 6″ BN’s…. they may strain the motors a bit, but watch out! I am debating on that radar gun myself, so I am curious as to its accuracy on smaller items if its stationary as suggested. (The gun is using doppler shift I have to assume, and it is not taking into consideration its movement either towards or away from the target to determine speed.)
I think the no reading comes from u moving the lasergun too much.
Diatone FTW !!
Love your vids! Bottom line…. I’m a noob, feel I can handle some decent power etc.. What SHOULD be my first race quad? Ty!
whats up with 13.7v showing on the OSD? calibration needed in BF, or?
How much are you selling the diatone for
Camera angle ?
Hi, guys. I’m curious, after flying this quad a while, were there any issues with overworking the lipos? Any overheatings, puffiness, etc.? Thank you!
Furi Bee Dark max 220 Drone win Diatone… Furi Bee 100mph battery 6s
i love this keep up the good work guy i am buying that quad hell yes do a vid on the tuning you did on that quad
Will this bind to FlySky i6?
Was that a Taranis QX7 that y’all were using.? If so, which frsky receiver did you put on it? If not, which frsky receiver would you recommend for the GT200s?
i know your saleman but all bull aside how does those longbow lipos perform? i cant afford a new line of strixx 1550 or thunderpower or such like that but ive got some hungry 2207/2650kv primo multibuilder motors on most my quads and one with f40 pro 2306/2400 silver winding
uavfutures got like 80mph so much be preety close to 80-90 id say. I need one to review lol
You can get more top end speed with dual blade props instead of 3 ?
Maybe the bad readings are from the moving props interfering
That transmitter looks familiar….lol. Excellent video Will & Basil!! Looking forward to Part 2
I have this same drone but I haven’t pushed it this hard yet because I’m still getting the hang of flying it, but got dam that things ridiculously fast.
Dam those batteries literally lasted like 1-3 minutes holy hell
Sweet” on my way , lol
Damn thats fast…
you guys are not treating that thing like the dangerous weapon it is get it away from ur face and hands when plugeed in geez..
You need to be directly in the line of fire”
fast as hell. these sunnysky motors rips but are expensive.
Seems like you are getting offset readings from under the quad. The most effective way would be to stand on a step ladder with the quad coming directly at you. Important for it to be head on to avoid false readings.
Gotta love these souther summers. It’s hot as hell outside here in Louisiana. You guys aren’t to far from me. I know y’all are feeling the heat. Lol. Love this quad. But I’m wanting the Tyrant S. I am not skilled enough for the GT2 lmao.
Hey Guys..Please support us with any of your FPV needs!
if you cant handle these speeds, the wizard is your next option!
Looks cool I want one.. Nice review
Sickness at it’s best!
I think Charlie on the radar gun had issues keeping up, couldnt meet up with the pass….kept moving and fouling the reading.
I literally destroyed my wizard in 2 weeks. Am I ready?
How much are you selling the diatone for
What would you say is the best racing drone to start off with that can be upgraded gradually so it can fly fast in time??
Hello!while dji using advanced techno for rc and video transmitting and i just wonder why non of the racing drone manifacturers dont use just like dji techno for racing freestyle drones.should we wait?best regards..
I just ordered one tonight with two longbow1550 graphene bats a charger and frsky x9d for $400. Good deal?
I literally destroyed my wizard in 2 weeks. Am I ready?
Love your vids! Bottom line…. I’m a noob, feel I can handle some decent power etc.. What SHOULD be my first race quad? Ty!
Camera angle ?
Furi Bee Dark max 220 Drone win Diatone… Furi Bee 100mph battery 6s
Hey guys as always I love your videos. Can’t wait to order some of them grafeene batteries for my two diatone 2017 addition quads.I got one stretch and one x. Purple and blue Judi Newcastle they’re beautiful pieces of Tec. I want to let everyone know that I’m a big time new guy and just had to have these because of how awesome they look.Wow. I know, I know, not a good reason to buy a quad, and like basel said there absolutely way way way too much quad for me. I had to take the thing apart to fix the camera angle straight just so I could fly fpv. So for now Im looking at mostly prop in my view. Ugh. However, with that said, I am getting better on it and IF I can fly this thing man o man I could fly anything. So it’s debatable. I just go easy with it. I DO enjoy my Wizard220 a bit more, right now, just because it fits my present skill level well. But in a few months I will grow into the diatone then look out. Thanks guys, and can’t wait to see the comparison between the two models.
Seems like you are getting offset readings from under the quad. The most effective way would be to stand on a step ladder with the quad coming directly at you. Important for it to be head on to avoid false readings.