Epic Quadcopter Rescue RC boat from River04:22

After Arish Ali Killed the Vector 28 Mini RC Speed boat with a precise and well timed stone hit, we had no idea what to do. Boat was floating away slowly towards the stream that could take it away from us and we could not get it. We had nothing but our Quadcopter OFM Seeker 450 V2 SE at the field. So as per Mary’s idea, we finally managed to rescue our Beloved RC boat from River. It was a 2000+ $ worth Quadcopter that we flew to save an 80$ RC boat. But everything went well and we got an epic Quadcopter Rescue video plus our Beloved RC boat back. Enjoy the video.


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Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Other Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music

Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com , info@onlyflyingmachines.com and alishanmaolife@gmail.com

    1. ungratefulmetalpansy
    2. Tim Goffin
    3. Gilbert Collie
    4. guyonthecouch007
    5. TheOtherGuy
    6. Andrew Sanchez
    7. Jason Austin
    8. mike vk
    9. Nathan
    10. Nathan
    11. Kyeongbo shim
    12. tewkewl
    13. seavil17
    14. Conor L
    15. Dirk York
    16. rogertopful
    17. oliver wilkins
    18. drink15
    19. k ly
    20. Thijmen Schouten
    21. Damir Spanic
    22. PizzaAssassin26
    23. Sam Johnson
    24. KilliKonKarnage
    25. CommonAtheist
    26. soypaisano
    27. MotoAtheist
    28. Mike Demented
    29. Paul DTOM
    30. Dave Davis
    31. callum cameron
    32. MC Cvf
    33. Johnfly8
    34. John Ten
    35. Johnfly8
    36. JPG23
    37. ChaosCompass
    38. мурад магомедов
    39. Pat B
    40. MrDisgruntledGamer1
    41. Pat B
    42. katie_incredible
    43. David Ursell
    44. vijay vikramaditya
    45. George hanes
    46. Frank Pirolo
    47. Jaehyun Lim
    48. George hanes
    49. elkstir goblyn
    50. G Sai
    51. JIMJAMSC
    52. QUINN Isntmyname

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