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First Flight — F330 DIY Quadcopter01:24

First successful flight of my F330 quad.
This is an APM based quad. I am using APM with Mission Planner configurator to set everything up.

Most of the parts are sourced from AliExpress. Battery and RC Controller has to be bought from the local market at almost twice the price as it has tons of import restrictions in India.

Parts List:

1. 2/3S Balanced Lipo Charger (B3) [~₹450] – https://goo.gl/ksf6Tj

2. 4 BLDC Outrunner(2212/920Kv) motors (2CW/2CCW) and 4 ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) (SimonK Firmware – 5A/30A Burst) Combo [~₹2300] – https://goo.gl/SQbdqg

3. 10 Piece 9045 Plastic propellers (5CW/5CCW) [~₹620] – https://goo.gl/xETZzm

4. F330 diagonal 330mm AirFrame with support rail and landing gear [~₹1000] – https://goo.gl/HBSc8f

5. APM (ArduPilot Mega 2.8) Flight Controller with UBlox M8n GPS module and 433MHz 3DR radio telemetry set(ground and air module) [~₹3900] – https://goo.gl/q9Vw2L

5. 5/12V PDB (Power Distribution Board) [~₹300] – https://goo.gl/czn7F4

6. APM Power Module [~₹250] – https://goo.gl/cgqHxH

Also, you may try to get RC controllers if you can:

7. FlySky FS-i6S 10 Channel GCS(Tx) with iA-10B Rx and mounted mobile holder [~₹4500] – https://goo.gl/CNtoDh

    1. Invokations A

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