Hi folks, this is my Reptile 500 Alien, which took me some time to finish off to what it is now. This was previously using the CX20 components and decided to upgrade some parts using non-GPS flight controller, CC3D. Since i was only using simonk escs, i was only able to fly it with openpilot/librepilot software.
After that, i upgraded to blHeli 30A escs, and betaflight 3.1.1 firmware. Also incorporated this with a PDB, a boscam 400mW VTx, 1000 TVL ccd camera, and LED lights. Running this on a 4S 2200 maH lipo, orange 7ch rx, 9×4.7 props.
Sportscam (mini mobius) mounted only via velcro, and still experiences some jello and shakes on the video. Probably requires better mounting/strap.
PIDs may not be that perfect, but I’m really happy on its flight characteristics now.
Decided to use it for chasing my flying buddy’s scratchbuilt twin engine plane. That was its maiden flight. We finished off the day with a big smile on our faces. đŸ˜›
Long boring FPV video, so included some cool arabic beat! So clearly, i dont own the song here. Hope you guys enjoy this stress relieving flight.
Current P-I-Ds:
Roll: 45, 40, 15
Pitch: 50, 40, 15
Yaw: 80, 45,
Do suggest if you have better PIDs for this set-up.
Nice Mike ????