Demonstration of Mission Planner’s “Swarm Follow” feature that allows setting up multiple ArduPilot vehicles to follow a master vehicle. Many vehicles are possible. Mixing Rovers, Planes and Copter is also possible. Internally ArduPilot’s Guided mode’s velocity controller is used. Works with Copter-3.3.3 and higher.
good job randy u the best developer
that’d be useful without all the lag!
Nice demo!
Thanx Randy
hello we have tried this with ac3.3.3 before, 1st test sucessfull A and B drone, 2nd test was B and A. we loose control of both units, and resulted to crash, we try to find out with logs what happen, but we seem to cant find it. we assume our computer crash during the process causing the both units to fall. but it was awsome, preparing to do 3-4 rigs
very cool as usual 🙂
So cool to see! By any chance do you have a write-up on this, or a video that includes what the operator sees in Mission Planner?
This is awesome
Randy how did You upload ArduCopter 3.4 into Solo ? Is it master branch with PH 2.1 green cube ?
sorry for stupid question, but how does the second drone know what the first one is doing? are they linked via telemetry, optical tracking, or simply receiving the same signals from MP?