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Geprc Sparrow MSX3 tuning test flight 102:41

Built this little 3inch up, and took it out for a couple of batteries with the evolution to see how it went. Build overview video to follow when have time! Idea wasn’t to make a super fast quad but a little to do a bit of freestyle.

Geprc sparrow true x 3 inch
Racerstar 1407 3500kv
20 amp 4 in 1 blheli s esc
Mini F4 omnibus with 3a bec and lc filter
Runcam micro swift 2
Vtx 03
Demonrc v antenna (really impressed with this. Sub 2g, way better than a dipole and doesn’t break like the expensive lumenier Axii ufl ….)
Gemfan flash 3152 props
Flysky X6B receiver
Weight with props and lipo strap 153g.

Skyzone 002s V+
Turnigy evolution

    1. Trystan
    2. Mikey Dread FPV

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