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Into the pit…04:46

Just up the road from the usual spot. Enjoy!!

Setup: Martian 2 frame
LHI DX2205 2300KV motors
Littlebee 20A escs
Matek xt60 p.d.b.
Spracing f3 flight controller
AKK 600mah 40 channel receiver/cam
Makerfire miniwhip antenna
Dal Cyclone props
Fmais 1080p action cam….junk!!

Gogs: Fatshark Dom v3’s
Furious trueD receiver
Fatshark Immersion antenna
Hybrid Triple feed patch

Tx/Rx: Taranis QX7
x4rs telemetry receiver
(xm’s on other quads, no telemetry)

All rippin Flourien 4s 1500’s!!!
Tattu 2300’s!!

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    5. Slippery FPV
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    7. Canadian Drone Network
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    9. Raymond Millwood
    10. Schrödi FPV
    11. Scott King
    12. Visser677_FPV
    13. I'LL BEE DRONED!
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    15. CYCOJOE888

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