Just up the road from the usual spot. Enjoy!!
Setup: Martian 2 frame
LHI DX2205 2300KV motors
Littlebee 20A escs
Matek xt60 p.d.b.
Spracing f3 flight controller
AKK 600mah 40 channel receiver/cam
Makerfire miniwhip antenna
Dal Cyclone props
Fmais 1080p action cam….junk!!
Gogs: Fatshark Dom v3’s
Furious trueD receiver
Fatshark Immersion antenna
Hybrid Triple feed patch
Tx/Rx: Taranis QX7
x4rs telemetry receiver
(xm’s on other quads, no telemetry)
All rippin Flourien 4s 1500’s!!!
Tattu 2300’s!!
If you like what you see, please help by supporting my channel. Thank you!!
Some cool flying there brother! Thanks
awesome job brother
Brilliant flying! ??
Brother this was brilliant! Look at you now! Low, fast, smooth turning, really nice spinning rolls and some great loops! Phew! That’s a big flight dude very well done! Awesome to see the progression my dude keep em coming! ????????
Good job mate! Great clear FPV, no worries about RF interference here.
Hey Kev, how are things on that side bro?!? Hope everything is okay…iIs this dvr footage?!? Man, if so its the cleanest dvr I’ve ever seen… Big hug brother
very nice flight and footage
Very impressive my friend I blew my mind that was some awesome fpv and Acro flying my friend you did an excellent job on this video and flying that was an awesome flight my friend you are definitely awesome on them stick you got it down my friend I definitely enjoyed this video and a big like my friend I just want to say I’m sorry you lost your drone but you built five more that is very impressive take care and have a wonderful day of flying and I will definitely see you at your next video my friend cheers and happy flying ?
Nice flying and footage
very nice
Excellent fight bro
Oh snap Kev!! Dang you’re getting it done.. this is it! You’re flying is going to get midevil from here on out!! Those yaw snaps and redirects are on point!! ?????
Awesome low altitude rip brother!!!????
1st!! Great stick work brother! ?
i am honest, looks like you have a lot of jello, or your cam woobles. could be that one or more of your motorbells are bent. but dont be angry with me and keep flying. its the best hobby in the world