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I’m using dshot600. When I increase ‘motor idle throttle value’ and hit save, it doesn’t save it and goes back to zero. What am I doing wrong?
I would love the Bflight
Hey! Awesome channel! Keep it up!
I’d go with the BFight.
Setting Minimum Throttle
Note: In Firmware 3.1.1 and earlier min_check and min_throttle are affecting the Dshot idle value so adjusting the motor idle speed is not straight forward. If running these earlier versions of firmware try defaults and then adjust ‘digital_idle_percent’ until the motors ilde at the desired speed.
This got fixed in 3.1.2 and up so now digital_idle_percent Only sets the Dshot idle speed. Be aware that Dshot ESCs can run motors at much slower speeds but if idle speed is too low the motor may Stall in flight during hard maneuvers and you get a ‘death roll’. If this happens increase the value of digital_idle_percent.
Post by Cheredanine on setting up IDLE in ßF 3.1.2 and up:
Ok first Point – dshot does not use min and max throttle, you don’t need to do that.
Second point – when not using min and max throttle you should calibrate from bf, not manually set in blheli.
Could someone please explain if I need to type the “digital_idle_offset” command?
So let’s deal with your question.
To check what value digital idle should be set to, connect to configurator, go to the motor tab, take your props off. Click the little check box half way down the page that says you have taken your props off, you know what you are doing, you take full responsibility for your actions and you consider fingers pointless appendages anyway.
Then plug in the LiPo to the quad (USE a Current Limiter Always). Click on the master slider and use the up arrow on the keyboard to increase the master slider one point at a time until you reach a point where all 4 motors have just started to spin, I don’t mean twitch, stutter or start stop, I mean the lowest value where they are spinning, it is probably about 1010, don’t worry if it isn’t, but I am going to use that number as an example.
You can now take the master slider back to zero and unplug the LiPo.
Take the number (for example purposes 1010) and add thirty points to it (so in the example we are now at 1040).
Not we need work out what percentage of the throttle range this is, I don’t know your math skills so sorry if this is a little hand to mouth.
Subtract 1000 from it, then divide by 10
So in the example:
Go to the cli tab in configurator
Click in the box at the bottom and type:
set digital_idle_percent = 4
(Replace 4 with whatever digital idle you arrived at in the calculation) Hit return, you will see the command processed in the back bit above, Then click in the box again and type
Hit return and done
Love you flying stile.
Grate channel I would like the B Flight
Awesome videos Andy. I would love to win either one but if I would chose one it would be the BFight.
You hit on a good point there Andy but seemed to gloss over it – the lack of beta flight logo in OSD when FOD occurs etc was a great troubleshooting step to rule out components.
I just got my second Eachine Lizard 95. My first one was riddled with issues the last of which I gave up on troubleshooting but I think the pdb and or two of the esces went out. Betaflight 3.2, dshot 600, in air mode and the digital idle set to 5.16. Using the stock 3S 550 mah battery it flew great. The next flight I used an Infinity 850 mah battery which weighs almost twice as much as the stock one. Immediately I noticed the motors made a lot more noise and in order to stop it from free fall it takes a lot more throttle. It did a FOD within the first 30 seconds and another when I flew again. Does it sound like increasing the digital idle percent would help in this case as well? It was with the stock 5 blade props also. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.
AndyRC finally Did you solve the problem? sorry I could understand you on the video. You increase the idle throttle Value to 10% and… what’s else¿?
Hey dude. Love your videos. I am having problems with HGLRC f425 board. Been flying it for about a month and got it working great, but yesterday I went to fly and it wont arm. I plugged into beta flight and it shows im moving the switch, but the arm box wont change to yellow and it doesnt arm. I was working great, any ideas. I also tried to re flash and it wont connect so i cant re flash. I dont know what i need to do to flash it.