Thanks to Brandon, JD and Scott for the support and bravery (lol). Thanks to Emax for supplying the motors, Tattu Battery for the awesome powerful batteries.
This was scary! Flying 100mph at yourself is risky business! I should have listened to Scott who was urging me to fly behind us and fly out from us instead of towards us. His radar gun reads both ways! I think I was just distracted and nervous. Sorry there was no onboard footage from the record run- I forgot to turn on my dvr.
Why does my setup work? I think it’s the combination of a lot of factors. First the frame has super skinny 5mm arms, this allows the least wind resistance and stiffness at the same time. Second, my esc’s are the same width as the arms adding to the aerodynamics profile. Third, the motor distance is only 195mm bringing the blades very close together. Fourth, the new Emax RS 2205 S give amazing thrust to weight ratio. These motors are lighter than the previous generations and give 100g more thrust per motor. Finally the RaceKraft 5051×3 props are just amazing at this thrust level. They fight blade flattening very well- these props are just on another level!
My setup:
Emax motors- set of 4-
Flycolor 30A ESC’s-
RaceKraft 5051 Props-
MRM Reaper 195 Frame 5mm-
RunCam Eagle 4:3-
Taranis Radio-
Fatshark Dominator Goggles-
SPRacingF3 Flight Control Board-
Tattu 95C 1550mah 4S Battery-
Hey, you didn’t mention in the description, but it looks like you’re using a TBS Dominator Rx? Looks like one of the TBS Triumphs on the back of your drone, not sure which clover leaf antenna is on your headset (the red one). Can you provide some insights?
What motors do you have
Sorry I wasn’t paying attention
amazing run dude , i thought is wasnt possible to run racekraft prop with 2600kv motors
but u did , so that was amazing man 
I need to find a local cop that can clock my thrust Motors
I think if you had used the unicorn semen colored pellers you would have broke 110
can we compare this motors with F60???
What’s the longest you think you can run at your top speed without doing damage to the esc?
lol that’s aliso area I drive that all the time
i am a total Speed Freak! i love this Vid great job guys. Now onward and upward S6 Battery OhYah:)
Aren’t you supposed to use dual blades for top speed instead of triblades? Triblades are just extremely popular for best overall performance but itll cause drag and hurt your top speed. Just a suggestion.
Were those 2600kv or 2300kv motors
Kite hill!
nice video. I see you use spekteum as well. on one of my quads I can’t arm with beta flight any suggestions?
bro you remind me of Dax Shepard lol
cool vid looks like alot of fun
bet you could go 180 with a f4 board and 1300mah 6s lipo????????????????
8:29 classic hi five – punch. LOL
damn man 109 that’s impressive there congrats
try these, you might get 120mph.
Id like to get into the speedy drones eventually…. I just got my new Inspire 2 w/ X5S. Going to the mountains this weekend to test out the Apple ProRes 444HQ 4k30fps…. Subscribe to my channel if your interested in seeing the footage. Keep up the good work!!!
that’s crazy !
Very cool run! Really interested in your charging setup, what are you using for the charger and what size battery you using for the power supply, Thanks!
wow lol crazy crazy, lol before i know it outrun my speed car lol
He was using the radar gun wrong. You can’t follow the drone with it like that, it needs to be able to compare the before and after without being moved.
Crazy Fast!
You should run 5040s it will be faster just less acceleration
rip batterys
Guy holding radar gun is rotating along with the flight path of the drone. Somebody tell him to hold still.
flying on kite hill! i been there several times!
nice..go emax..
if your going to test some speed. at least put some carbon props and some more pitch. does plastic props are too soft.
Nice try man! Check out my attempt but I do it hardly 2 feet above ground
Raw FPV Footage
why not use a smaller video antenna? less drag and you can lose some weight.
What esc?
Are you sure your props aren’t moving the speed your clocking?
I’m putting together one using Emax 2306 2750kv motors, 35A esc’s, the ultra-lightweight Lumenier QAV-ULX frame with an F4 FC. Should break 100mph, but won’t know for a few days at least till all the parts arrive. Nice work on this one!
did u have to build this or u bought it