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Nova 235 4mm – Crashes Maiden02:22

Um, this thing is solid. This was gifted to me but I can’t complain for 30$ This is my first session with it. Enjoy the crashes and the maiden!

Last crash was from over 100ft thru a tree. I believe the esc reset, probably overheated due to motor coming loose which was due to too short of screw from the transplant as the electronics came from the SpaceOne.

Clone can be found here – https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BWBJJ4X/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Buy the real! The titanium hardware and such justifies the cost! Plust Skitzo is an amazing pilot.
I’m saving up for mine now!

PS. ESC 1 died with all the crashing. I fly naked as well which is dumb. protect your ESCS!

    1. UgpFpv

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