WATER CRASH and Save, Mini Camera Aerocraft JXD 392 Quadcopter06:36

Video from the onboard 640 x 480 camera on the Mini Camera Aerocraft JXD 392. The last half of the video is a crash from altitude into water. I managed to save my quad copter by following these steps.

How to save a submerged quadcopter or drone after a water crash
1. Select the power switch to off.
2. Disconnect the power switch
3. Remove the power supply
4. Shake out any excess water or use a vacuum to draw the water out.
5. Seal the drone in a ziplock bag full of rice or desiccant packs.
6. Allow it to sit for 3 days.

Mini Camera Aerocraft JXD 392 Quadcopter, Unboxing and Flight

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