YMFC-32 | The Arduino – STM32 quadcopter | Update06:46

In this video I explain the main goal of the YMFC-32 quadcopter project and its current status.

PLEASE NOTE: I’m still working on the code that will make autonomous flights possible. So it’s not available yet!!!

The balancing robot:

The YMFC-32 playlist:

The YMFC-32 autonomous project page:

The balancing robot project page:

Setting up the Arduino IDE for uploading programs to the STM32:

    1. Dat Le
    2. Larry Watts
    3. Hamid Hamid
    4. Oscar B. Monteiro Jr.
    5. kishor maharjan
    6. maarten krikke
    7. Rony Chakraborty
    8. Marcin Jackowski
    9. Polycarp Laurent
    10. Shailendra Sharma
    11. Rafael Rangel Szillat
    12. Rob Smit
    13. Leon Von Moltke
    14. Connor B.
    15. Alvaro Pandolpho
    16. plorks445
    17. abcd abcd
    18. Ahmed Hasnain

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