227 – FPV Freerider – ” The best 5 FPV Racing Drone Simulator with UNITY Engine ” – [Sharp79]

This friends and ‘the best simulator for FPV Racing Drones that exists in circulation, and’ FPV Freerider and use the UNITY Engine which has a ultra realistic physics and a modest graphics, I have used to learn how to fly a drone racing and after many crashes, this and ‘the result after hours and hours of training!
PS (I’m not really the TOP ’cause I’m using the joypad of’ XBOX, I do not have the cable for my radio, but the simulator and ‘compatible with any USB device)

The simulator and ‘available for Android, iOS, and especially for Windows and Linux, both in the DEMO version and the full version which costs just under 5 euros, that and’ the link if you want to try:

I hope you enjoyed the video I recommend you put like and iscriveteveti to my group Facebook “HiSky – HMX280 [Racing Drone Videos]”:

Even to my group “CX-20 UPGRADE [Cheerson / Quanum]”:

It also Linko our Blog still being completed:

This e ‘on the ActionCamItalia.it forum link where I am the moderator of the section dedicated to the CX-20:

I wait on the group, thanks a lot! 😉

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    1. vanessa “vany mangajapan”
    2. vanessa “vany mangajapan”
    3. Il Braccio E La Mente
    4. Regaz Joe Grace
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