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[4k] The Jeep, The Drones The Andes (FPV, Drone 4×4 around the Los Seis Miles in the Andes)04:30

Some FPV and Drone flying around the high altitude volcanic corridor of Los Seis Miles. Dennyiah’s Big God cover is just perfect for the big scenery of the Andes! Highest altitude takeoff: 6000m, the 4×4 ~4800m, and Matt’s FPV has likely broken 6k but there are is no way to measure it.

FPV footage by Matt @Chile Vuela
Drone & Editing by iohan: http://www.bikewanderer.com/video
Thank you matt for letting me borrow your mavic pro after my drone crashed.

Music: Dennyiah – Big God (Florence + The Machine cover)
Dennyiah’s Original performance (her new album will be out soon!):
“I had a story deep in my heart that I wanted to tell out loud, but I didn’t know how. Then I found this incredibly touching tune and I couldn’t believe how someone could describe what was going on in my mind so precisely. This song is so much a part of me. Thank you Florence” – Deni
recorded at a beautiful, cosy café Šálka Kávy in Košice, Slovakia.

This is also a preview/teaser of episode 41 which will be in the area.
Journal/Blog entries Feb/Mar 2020:

    1. rahul gosai
    2. Валерий Ремзов
    3. cappaculla
    4. Connor Ruinz
    5. F Krebs
    6. Rados
    7. vOCesUGa1
    8. vOCesUGa1
    9. Dare to live. Simply
    10. John Br0
    11. Mr. J
    12. Javier Spontón
    13. nezztitorr
    14. Rodrigo Kaspary
    15. mnl8712
    16. Hot Beef
    17. GLOOR fpv
    18. Mač Osvjetlan Naoštren
    19. joachim schowalter

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