A Noobs Journey into FPV Drone Racing 7
This is my journey into the world of FPV Drone Racing. I’m a noob pilot just learning the basics of FPV Flying. Practice, Patients Perseverance. Trying my best to improve after each and every single flight. Enjoy the video my friends & thanks for watching!
PO BOX 5053
iROCK™ RC/ iROCK™ Studios © 2015 iROCK STUDIOS LLC. All rights reserved. This video is intended for entertainment purposes only. Viewer discretion is advised.
Damn, that got expensive REAL QUICK. Good Luck IROCK
Oh man.. cant wait to see you grow your skills, if you need any help. or
P.I.Ds be more then happy. the frame is awesome, you should check out the
New Helix frame from impulse. its gonna be my racer. The Aliens are my
bashers. I’ve damaged more gopros then frames.. armour them up brother.
Keep practising *acro*
Excellent !! Really a very good flight, much of work but very a good
performance!! Cheer!!
Your great;)) Thank you for a good video. I LIKE YOUR VIDEO! # 5
that was so cool ! it’s really fast !!
Yes Sir!!!
?????kindly would you Subscribe to me and i will subscribe back to you
and add like to your video?? ?????you
are the best???????????????????????????
nicely done bro until the tree nice alarm good idea have fun RCing
Excellent video my dear friend ! Wonderful ! Thank you so much! Please sub
me back! My like # 12
Dang that was crazy. ??