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Another flight of the English Electric Lightning00:00

This huge turbine powered scale RC plane flies again. Sorry the video is so short but a lot of the footage I took couldn’t be used on YouTube because there was someone playing music in the background. Filmed at Tokoroa Airfield NZTO.

    1. Electrowave
    2. Oliver King
    3. bitogre
    4. SuicideNeil
    5. Richard Miles
    6. knoxieman
    7. lepompier132
    8. valderja
    9. sauntson
    10. LWJCarroll
    11. Reginald Stewart
    12. Ronald Johnson
    13. RWBHere
    14. ror1948
    15. Phil Eldridge
    16. David Timms
    17. Doc-Nobody
    18. Dave Kelly

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