Ok so you’re in your 40s, 50s, or maybe even 60! Are you too old to fly a paramotor? Hit the gym, get in shape, and go learn to fly!
Category: Quadcoter Videos, Racing
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And there is a Flying Fossils PPG group on Facebook specifically for pilots over 50 if you want to join a group that isn’t inundated with juvenile questions from wannabe teenage pilots.
I loved the little practice of kiting there at the end
At 64, I’ve been wanting to fly for 20 years.. But it’s a sport .for the very “financially stable.” So I will have to be content with flying on You Tube!
Headed for 68 and no problem at all. I’m not ready for my coffin just yet!!! LOVE IT!
It’s not about your age! It’s about what kind of shape you’re in! I hit the gym twice a week and ride 20 miles on my gravel bike twice a week. Yeah, I got my aches and pains at 63 but I’m looking at another 10 years at least. Flying high…
nice one again flyguy… your thumbnail makes me want my next wing to be colored as a giant looking leaf. that would be awesome.
You can definitely tell you’re not a frequent desert flyer, because your lines look colorful and bright! The rest of us Arizonans have dusty risers and lines LOL Great vid!
Same topic
Will be 66 in March. Have my first two PPG flights under my belt; over 100 PG since 2008. Continue my weightlifting to maintain what was a high strength level from competitive weight lifting; such a shame when it starts to drop away. Will have my first and second flight video posted in a couple of weeks; not much but it keeps a record for me. Wish I could run as fast as when young. Bailey V5 with MacPara Colorado 27.
Im going to be 50 this year,Self trained and built my own trike.Never to old to live a dream!
You just need to listen to your inner 10 year old and you’ll never be too old for this sport ?
While Riding 1st time my ParaMotor crash see in video
I’m 48 and still learning really. I flew solo in 2016 and due to all the things in life that get in the way I haven’t really progressed. I’m hoping to change that this year though. Anyway, two of the guys who fly in our little group of 6 are over 80 years old! One is on a trike, the other still foot launches. There is only one in our group below 40..veterans club! lol
The day my daughter finished veterinary school in 2018, I signed up for training. Now I am “feeding the disease!” ……and I am SO happy PPGing! I am 63….. and still haven’t decided what I want to do when I grow up! Thanks for the video, Guy,….we needed that!
It’s a great message to tell others about. I’ll be 57 this year and I’m having the time of my life flying PPG. You’re never too old. And once you do this, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it ten years ago.
Yoo-hoo! Amen!!! I earned my age… one day at a time!!! Fly safe, find your joy and love it all!!!
41 in a few weeks…really thinking about trying this
Manitoba based where do I train? Lol
Wing collapses sound terrifying tho…
What is the other strap that you got connected to your goosenecks? at 8:22