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Best New-Zealand FPV 2K1704:07

After 9 months in New Zealand I made pretty much the best of my FPV movies.

I have to apologise for the wobbles. New Zealand is know as a windy country.

Hope you’ll like it !

Music : Odesza – A moment appart

Hardware :
Frame : QAVR 210
FPV Camera : Foxeer Arrow 2
Flight Controller : RaceFlight Revolt V2
ESC : DALRC BS25A modified (for better Multishot and DSHOT)
Motor : Mr Steele Silk 2306 2345Kv
RaceFlight PDB
Receiver : TBS CRSF Micro V2
VTX TBS Unify Pro Race 500mw
Props : DAL Props 5040
Capacitor low ESR 1000uF 35v
Dinogy Graphene 1500mAh

Firmware :
RaceFlight One 374 Beta

HD Camera : Foxeer Box 4K
Remote Control : FrkSy Taranis X9D Plus with TBS CRSF Micro
Google : Skyzone V2
Laptop : MacBook Pro Retina Mid-2014

    1. pulsta
    2. Saix FPV
    3. Hisu FPV
    4. Flav FéFé

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