Drones are fast, and with the latest technology, they’ve gotten pretty precise, too… But tracking a flying arrow at 60mph still seems like an impossible feat. We brought Vanover, one of the top drone pilots in the world, to see if this shot can be achieved!
FPV System: DJI Digital FPV –
Camera: DJI OSMO Action –
FPV Drones built, tuned, and ready to rip:
– – – – – – – – – –
Want to fly FPV like the pros? Start here:
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– FPV Freestyle Pilots / Hosts –
Drew Camden [Le Drib]
Alex Vanover [CaptainVanover]
Shawn Morrison [Let’s Fly RC]
-Production Team-
Chad Kapper – Executive Producer
Drew Camden – Producer
Christian Kapper – Editor
By: Nightime Burnout
The Chase
By: Nightime Burnout
Unworldly Invasion
(Advance Wars Remix)
By: Majeles
Sick boi!!!
7:54 is what your looking for
shoot at a target and use lumenocks
Sooo coool.
Good safety talk
Wow,that was a great shot at the end! Awesome pilot
Glad we waited 7 mins for that lol
“couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn”
Confirmed! LOL
my mans draw weight is like 10 lbs
it would be cool if you could see if you can kamikaze the drone into the arrow side ways to change the trajectory of the arrow or stop it all together
I wonder if the drone going at 90mph can break the arrow in half mid flight it may break the drone but would be cool
What a sick shot lmao. I love it.
Most bows shoot like a 150 mph .
Those are some killer skills
That was way better than I thought it was going to be too, well done Alex.
ya boy pointing the damn bow in the sky, thats why its not showing up in camera.
That is a slow arrow!
Great video, try an illuminoc in the arrow-it lights up!
Those quads need a camera that can track objects. That’s some seriously cabable flying though.
How do you miss the Broad side of a Barn?
That was sooo dope full on top gun when they take the pic of the other jet and tell it to that chick lol so awesome
? this must be the best video I’ve ever watched on YouTube. Amazing Amazing Amazing..
Making. Action. Movies with arrows
Simplement WAOUHHH ! ! ! ! Merci pour ces belles images ! ! !
6:40 for everyone that only wants the real deal.
The day was worth that dope shot. It’d be killer to do that cinematically on a battlefield.
Good Job..
I’ve watched a lot of your videos and would really like to own and race a quad but they’re really expensive so ….. I’m going to try and 3D Print the frame and then just go from there!
Awesome job guys thanks for the video
Awesome job guys thanks for the video
How about shooting an arrow almost vertical and following it ?
How does this not have 10 mill views lmao
don’t waste time looking at so much talk… get to the moment at 6:30
That’s was SUPER legit, impressive talent!
I archery hunt…my arrows fly around 320fps….your drone is fast but not that fast
Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn…. Lol
He missed that bag by a mile
Waooo…v nice
Hey just saying is the tiny hawk freestyle a good first fob drone to start off with
This is the Most Important post you will ever read!
Every one of us has broken God’s moral law, the Ten Commandments. We’ve all lied and we’ve all stolen, which makes us liars & thieves; And James 2:10 states that even breaking just one of these commandments makes us guilty of breaking them all. The problem is, we can never ‘outweigh’ our sin with good works because The Creator is perfect in holiness, meaning his standard is beyond our reach. He is also perfect in justice, meaning not a single sin will go unpunished; and our penalty for sin is death & hell, which the Bible describes as Eternal fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth Fortunately God is also perfect in love, so 2000 years ago Jesus Christ left his throne in heaven and came
to this earth. Here, he lived a perfect and sinless life, only to take the punishment that we deserved; Our sinless creator became our sin, & endured a painful death on a cross for our sake. Right before he died, he said ‘it is finished.. meaning, the debt for our sins has been paid in full. On the third day, he conquered death & rose from the grave. So now, we can go free from the wrath of Gods judgement not by earning it, but rather, as a free gift of grace; except a gift can either be accepted or rejected.
So this is what you must do in response;
Humbly admit to God that you have sinned against
him, & through gratitude in the sacrifice of his son,
repent (turn away) from your old ways. Then, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that God raised him from the dead from this moment forward (Romans 10:9), and you will be saved. The moment you do this, God will grant you a new heart which no longer finds pleasure in sin, and also, he will grant you eternal life in his presence; Nothing on this earth even close to compares to what awaits believers.
What you do with this information will determine where you spend ETERNITY; meaning, this is the single most critical decision you will EVER make.. and all of us here, whether believer or atheist, know deep down that every word is true. Jesus Christ is awaiting YOU right this very moment; don’t even think about sleeping tonight until you have surrendered to him, because your tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.. James 4:14
whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. What is your life? For ye are a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. as it is written,
(Hebrews 9:27); ‘it is appointed unto man ONCE to die, but after this, THE JUDGMENT.
All glory honor and praise to The Lord Jesus Christ.
Never give up on your dreams.. Never..
What a stud! That looks amazing!
Incredible guys!! ??
Nailed it!!!
Name of the drone?
Should have just changed the color of arrows to white
okey i admit last part is amazing good job guys
what happen to crash landing.
Hi folks,
Great video. Can you tell me which drone is it? And which online market is best place to purchase advanced drones? (racing)
Thats some “Sniper Ghost Warrior 3” shit
(when the camera in the game follows the bullet)
How did 378 people not like this?? ? frickin awesome
no wayyy , shut up …. this .. this is perfect
I think your friend is legally blind.
very cool. the pilot is really cool
Stupid. Could have done this in 2 minutes and saved us the clickbait with shitty results.
Nice job guys.
Do it! Post the link here. Can’t wait to see
This was pretty cool. I do think shooting at a target would have made things easier because you always know exactly where you plan for the arrow to end up and you can determine the flight path a lot easier. Sweet video though???
5 star vid. Thanks for sharing!
That was crazy! Vertical Doors Inc. just got a drone, hopefully we will be at that level of skills one day.
Imagine the arrow hits the drone
Ok but they are using a very low poundage bow… Mine shoots 315 feet per second and thats equivalent to 214 miles per hr.. If that bow is only shooting 61 mph then thats a very very weak bow.. not realistic.. because at first I was like that damn drone aint got a chance! But now i see how it worked because of the children’s bow they used lol
Now use a real bow that can shoot way farther
I wait a moment when I start drive fpv)))awesome stady shot )
Why did I read the title as catch lol
paint the Arrow High Contrast Orange!
Wow ? what was that .
That’s amazing .
You guys can track that arrow much more efficiently by painting it in black and white stripes.
That was great!
6:40 O__O
Awesome bro
Very feminine behaviour
3:18 I know no one cares and this is just me being totally bored with my life, but the soundtrack in this clip is the same one used as the intro in the London Watch Collector YT channel, I really like the soundtrack but sadly I don’t know what’s its name.
“could you tell him that you have only lost one friend.” You sure he didn’t lose that friend due to him losing his marbles and just leaving because of a prank like that.
Amazing shots
Muita enrolação e pouca ação real
My bow is flinging them closer to 200mph if ya wanna try ??
We gonna need a bigger bow
Description: We brought Vanover, one of the top drone pilots in the world
Video: Can you just *fly better??* ?
You couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.. haha
Talk about money shot lol!!
and that ladies and gentlemen is called the money shot
Turn the camera around and have the arrow follow behind drone.
8:00 thank me later
got some apex legends vibes
maybe you can work with Robinhood second franchise
60mph at 40% throttle puts you well over 100mph so nothing was wrong with your radar gun…BUSTED! #SELFSNITCHIN
1:28 – How does the ND filter give you a blurry background if the Osmo Action is a fixed aperture lens?
Not as great as u guys r wow’ing….!! Come up with some better idea next time.