I made this quad for about $200. Jury is still out whether it will work well – but here I go through the first check of the assembled quad.
I made this quad for about $200. Jury is still out whether it will work well – but here I go through the first check of the assembled quad.
200 for just the quad not including battery right. includes RX?
i spent like 138 + prop cost. not including RX cost because im sharing
receivers. reusing 2000-3000mah batteries i have
You are correct…I didn’t include the cost of the receiver or transmitter.
It comes to about $205 including battery. I already had shrink wrap, solder
and misc parts from previous build – so if this was an initial build I am
sure it would run as much as $50 more. There are kits out there that
include all motors, esc’s and frames for about $150-200 – then you would
only need battery ($25), flight controller ($25) Transmitter and Receiver
($79 for Turnigy 9 channel on sale at HobbyKing).
Where did you get the plans?
I didn’t have any plans….went to RCGroups.com and read a whole lot about
the quads. Ended up purchasing an XAircraft 450 frame – bare bones and
bought everything else. The frame is really tough. Though still learning
how to fly the thing – a bit uptight about losing another quad!!!
What size props do you have on there?
They are APC 10 x 4.7 props. Nice and quiet and provide great lift.
Unfortunately, they do break when I crash….. Just managed to break 3
today! Guess it is more time back on the simulator!!!
Hmm Im using those exact motors, I like them, but one came with a crashed
bearing sadly…. and check your C rating on your battery. Make sure you’re
not over loading the battery
I am using 20 amp ESCs with the motors and a 25C 2200mah battery. So far,
no problems whatsoever with anything.
Well you were saying in the video that the battery alarm goes off? or did
you sort that out? The ESCs run at whatever amps it needs to for the motor.
If we say the motors are running at max amps (18 for these, so 18*4) that’s
a wopping 72 amps… Your battery here can only supply 55…. (25*2.2).
That might be why the alarm is going off early
Acutally, it was a lot simpler than that…..had it connected wrong. To a
channel that wasn’t being used so after a minute of not sensing anything it
went off. It was a lost plane alarm not a battery alarm. Now I use a
battery alarm only, which connects to the balanced connector off the
battery. Works great. I also am now using a Black Vortex board with
MegaPirates. Still tuning it up though.
You are correct. I have since built a “test” board that holds the quad
better – though that won’t help out if a prop breaks during testing! Eye
protection is probably called for. Though the most common mistake I make
over and over again, is I forget to DE-ARM the quad before I pick it up in
the field to move back to starting point or whatever. I have a black
fingernail now to remind me to unplug or de-arm before reaching anywhere
near the props!
Socratic how are you Im interested in knowing what parts and from where u
get all the materials to build it it seem’s pretty nice and strong please
let me know if is possible thanks..
These parts are available through a number of sources. I don’t know where
you are located, but in the US there are many distributors/resellers
offering these or similar parts. Or you can purchase directly from China –
I have used Foxtech and Hobby King – both reputable companies. Since this
video was made, there are a number of frames available – with integrated
power boards – for the same price. Check out RCGroups or Multirotors forums
to see what people are currently using. Good luck.
The KK board is mounted wrong? it’s in quad mode, but only nearly? screw it
down at an exact angle.
Hi Andy, You are correct, I had taped down the board initially until
everything was set up correctly, then used wire ties to align and keep the
board tight on the frame. Since building this quad, I have made quite a few
more and now use this one to test out various flight control boards,
“under 200” is not special. Same size quad can be done under 100$.
You are correct….today. Back when I made this video, things were a lot
more expensive, especially decent controller boards. Though, $100 would be
hard to do unless you went with a ladybird or something like that. Decent
motors and esc’s are still running at least $15 or $20 each! Though a
decent KK2 board is less than $25 these days (maybe even $15 or so).
How’s it flying now?
Actually, I use it to test out new flight control boards. I have
transitioned to some pretty cool boards. The latest I am in the process of
testing out is the 3DR APM 2.5+ We are offering them via our website – a
really great controller for the money. UAV-America need to add the dot com.
I totally agree with you. I have since learned to be one heck of a lot more
careful – these things can really do a number on anything they come into
contact with – especially skin!!!
From where did you buy those prop adapters?
Your transmitter itself is probably 200$ :D
Hello I wonder if you have used this plate has the ability to connect a GPS
or a camera rc. Thanks!!!!
So is this a “consumer drone” which everyone are getting excited about?
What exactly is the purpose of them?
The humanity lol
Could you post a part list?