DCL Paris – Second Place – Team FPV-Racing.ch – Qualifying Run

This was our/my first flight in this track and also the first qualification run. So I tried to fly it safe and get to know the track and get some rounds in. I managed to get the fastest time in for our team. Unfortunately the other qualification runs were cancelled so we just qualified as the last Team on Place 8 and had to flight against the first team from the qualification. On the 1vs1 single heat I managed to get further with very bad video then my opponent and won my run. TempleClause also killed it and won his 1v1.

In the finals when we lost against the awesome pilots from Flyduino.de 🙂

    1. DONT~_^BLINK
    2. 33narim
    3. potre sin mas
    4. HP-FPV
    5. Sabe Amixtades
    6. Nilsen F.
    7. FJ G

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