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Come on stimulus
How much?
What kind of features in next firmware?
Can the controller be set for mode 1? Thxs Chris
This is amazing but I’m really hoping this is going to be listed for a reasonable price. This would be my 3rd DJI product but it’s getting harder to justify to the wife… LOL ?
Potato … and the camera? Would you use it for commercial use? For cinematographic filming? Can you change the shutter speed, aperture, ISO, ND filters? This is something that matters when we use it in the professional world. BTW, you’r awesome!
I wonder if this drone has occusync ?
Haven’t laughed that much with a YouTube video in quite a while! Found your humour and edit great! TY Gene.
When can I get this. Looking at getting into my first drone to film driving my sxs which gets up to 87 mph. And it was gonna get the mavic air 2. But with these learning modes I think i might have to get this…
Can I use the pistol type controller with the mavic air 2?
Can you fly it with a phone/tablet or is it goggles only? Never done FPV and am prone to motion sickness so options other than goggles would be nice so I don’t waste $1300 to just find out I get motion sick from it.
It’s not a racing drone.
What is the battery life like if you were in full sport and manual mode for the entire flight?
Solid review. My level of interest at the end of the video increased significantly relative to what it was before viewing. Job well done.
7:20!!! haha
At this point if you haven’t made a DJI FPV review vid, you’re a complete loser. This is my fav so far. Thanks Gene.
Really useful video. Very informative. Thank you
I’ve ordered one got a shipping notice but no tracking yet! I have 4 drones (all DJI) Currently using a Mavic 2 Pro and you know when that thing is in sport mode and you try to stop it still goes 20+ more feet. It appears this one stops fairly quickly, Correct? I did order the control stick becuase I fairly good flying a regulat drone so I think I can ‘advance’ fairly quickly … No questions yet, you kinda answere the one I had do I need ND filters. I going to need a case ASAP seen any good ones? Oh I thought of a question but it about the Mavic 2 Pro. Why don’t they give us the option to turn off one of the axis on the gimbal? So it becomes a 2 axes Gimbal not a 3 axes!
Thanks. Reeeeally well done. This vid sold me. Now I’m ready for big boy pants and I’m jumping into something I’ve avoided. FPV drones. Here I come. Was ALL the footage shot with this drone? I’ve heard that the footage was not so great… Matti…
If it’s fpv you want, don’t buy this. Buy dji air unit fpv system. Build your own quad learn everything along the way. Then you’ll have the freedom to fly like a bird and fix everything on the spot with the know how you gained. Besides this thing has a fat ass and flies like a brick.
Nice man, lucky you got the drone for free from DJI.
Soon enough we’ll have full scale airplanes with this setup. Dogfights will be a professional sport ??
I’ve seen potato jet since 50k subs, For real I admire you gene
Man, you are the best unintentional comedian. Love your videos.
the proppeller guards are even better cause they make replacing broken guards more simple and cheap!
Dang it!!! Do I have to spend money now and try getting into FPV again!? Frick that looks awesome
Dude the whole FPV video looks really choppy
Embarrassing review, horrible footage.
Let fpv drone pilots do reviews and avoid embarrassing your self.
Nice flying coffee machine ? I’ll stick with my diy builds. This might be good for beginners but it’s gonna break with one kiss with the ground.
Such a cool and informative review! Enjoyed every bit of it! Thank you!
Such a big L that you can’t use an nd filter on it. Looks like traditional fpv drones are the thing for now to get cinematic footage
Reminder for everyone looking to buy this drone: be safe, don’t jump the gun when it comes to safety, and get plenty of hours of training in the simulator before even attempting acro mode. Manual mode is extremely rewarding, but it can also be deadly if you are not experienced, even with a drone like this. The propellers are plastic, but they spin at RPM’s that could cut fingers and cause lacerations. Safety is no joke.
Have fun, welcome to FPV.
Is there a 360° drone yet?
Straight to point
Cons: way over priced as usual form DJI
Influencers: Finally a FPV drone!
Everyone else:
Hmm. Asian liking DJi, okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Hello what the fuck are you doing with your life you area failure get a job your mom probably regrets having you what kind of parents raised you. Stop flying drones and get a fucking life!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t seen anyone talk about the RGB lighting on them yet. Have you had a chance to test them out?
Waiting for the update technology never seems to surprise me till we all gone haha
Whats the price and range?
@Potato Jet Will there be cheaper version of the dji fpv?
1300 dollar and not sure about the range look at dji website and 200 for motion controller and 300 more for the fly more combo.
You obviously have fpv experience but how much because u seem super proficient in manual mode. And suggestions for those who hardly have any? Basically I have like 10 hours on Liftoff simulator and nervous about this one…mine arrives tomorrow. Thanks
I see big beach on Maui! hit me up!
Do you think the price of it will go down in half a year? Also what is the max distance?
Wow. Well done, DJI!
What’s funny is that I was eating a salad while watching this video
When you do talk with the team at DJI, can you ask if they’ll ever make a 3D goggles FPV drone?
Stop stealing …..made in Chinazi it’s be a shit ?
Your single favorite feature is return to home, which all Betaflight/iNav/DJI quads can do? Pfft
DJI is the god of drones for real
I’d love to see the Mavic 3 be able to use the Motion Controller. I think that would be cool to get FPV experience (sort of) on a Mavic. I know you can kind of do that now with the older DJI goggles and setting the camera to FPV mode instead of Free.
As most of FPV drones are DIY especially the parts, how customizable is the DJI FPV drone? or will it be customizable by parts (motors, etc)?
Also like the mavic once an arm broke it can be replaced just the arm as it is removable, so how about for the FPV?
and how much is it
$1300 usd wtf, pass. Okay, fine, I will get one. Cheaper than a dslr right. Hehe
Great vid!!
That’s a ton of features! What feature(s) didn’t make it into this version?
Camera is weak.
Question. Can an absolute beginner buy an fly this?thanks.
My question is when you’ll be letting me borrow it? Not for ling- Just for a little bit of years.
There shld be option to fix GoPro also like on the top or down..
Will this replace the custom built FPVs or still missing some stuff?
one youtuber a very prominant youtuber said this drone was a piece of shit that was the first line of dialog in his video right out the gate. he said he would leave it lay like a dead rat
$1500 and it’s yours
this drone dies in five min if you rip it dont let him lie to you
Hey what look out point was that in LA? Dodger stadium?
When tightening/adjusting the controls sticks for manual flying, can you adjust either control stick to act as the accelerator? Basically, can you make the controller’s sticks mode 1 or mode 2 dependent on what you are accustomed to flying?
Shame it requires 2 people to fly.
Me still waiting for the top 10 salad dressing video ??
I really like that DJI has made FPV Drones accessible. This will allow people to actually get into the sport. I like the progressive modes to manual. The FPV simulator, the longer battery. This will be everyone’s first FPV drone from now on.
I’m interested in what they have planned for Cinema mode. I would get this drone for the video it produces more than to have fun with it. I love FPV footage.
Bro!, you’ve sold it!, I’m gonna sell my mav 2 pro and get one of those , they are sic
Sic vid bro sub’ed and liked, keep it coming
$1300.00 is wrong. 1 – replacement battery cost $159.00. Crashing will cost you BIG! I hear people saying theirs replacement parts. Well it’s not that easy. Go look at all the crash videos. And these are by some of the best FPV pilots out there.
I’ve been flying FPV for several years and have been using the DJI goggles with the caddx vista in my freestyle builds for a few months and love it.
I can see this drone being attractive for people who fly mavics and want an immersive FPV experience but they will want to practice in the sim a lot before switching to full manual mode. Anyway interesting to finally see what they’ve come up with and maybe this will get more people interested in FPV which is a good thing ??
We dont have enough road to get up to 88miles an hour!
How come the videos in their ads look so much better than the ones you’ve recorded?
Can you PLEASE ask DJI about the successor of the Mavic 2?
Great review, my only question is what about people like myself who wear glasses would the goggles work?
Most people will lose at least one drone. That’s just a fact. Prepare to lose some money.
I’m glad DJI invested more into the pause feature! I like the idea of a drone being able to save itself from being lost or destroyed. And putting that tech into an FPV drone is a good idea.
This is all very biased until dji borrows this drone to an amateur for a review
Is it compatible with eyeglasses?
Great video. Question: max altitude with this drone = what?
Just ordered one…. used to fly fpv a while back…. THIS is a darn good reason to get back into the hobby ?
You see the propellers in the frame. SO DUMB.
Does the body of the drone easy to replace
great video man
Is it noise-friendly or noise pollution?
Their gimbles are trash, Bought a mavic pro and the gimble has failed no service support or repair here in India, Huge waste of money
Oh great!! More DJI spyware!!! No thanks I’ll just stick to my Autel Robotics and home made drones. The video quality is better with Autel anyways.
Awesome. Great vid!
Awesome kit.
Very well presented and demonstrated buddy.
Excellent job
Im still waiting for someone to test flight times.. Kabab said he was getting 9-10mins freestyle. someone else said just flying around they got 13 to 15mins.. Also wondering in full manual does that annoying return to home force you to go home.. have to constantly hit cancel..
potato jet im always subs with you but when i check it again im unsub weird
Can it Be Used For Surveillance By CCP Since they have Spying features in all of their Drones and Devices….??
FatShark is done.
I simply cannot get past “It’s Russell!”
Sorry man, I’m sure it’s a curse by now
You missed the opportunity to have this video in 60 fps
Piece of junk and you advertise this shit. Are you paid promoter?
It’s fast
hi Sir, did dji mentioned also about the timelapse/hyperlapse mode and their other previous auto presets included in the cinematic mode firmware update? and also did they mentioned about the firmware update for the custom settings for the FOV 150 degrees to lower it down to 140 degrees may be to cut down the propeller’s view on the spot when recording?
Easily one of (if not the) best reviews of any product ever ??
My a$$ was clenched tight watching those shots over the hills.
I was doing pretty well on saving my money until I saw this.
This is where my stimulus check is gonna end up buying this drone
This video was okay but I am very much looking forward to the top 10 salad dressings video.
can you use the original DJI FPV controller with the new kit?
take my money
Bought one! This was the best demonstration of the dji’s unique and new technology.
Simplified review thanks.
This video was awesome thank you! I’ve been wanting something like this
dji ≠ fpv. Все будут сами собирать а не это говно покупать
dji is pretty close to making “Edith” a real thing lol
The video quality is terrible. Who would want to watch that jumbled mess of video?
So can this transmit to another monitor a video out ?
What microphone are you using?
Im researching my first drone at the moment, My eyes are on the mavic 2 pro, or the fpv. I still a lot of research to do, ?
Use this in India and people start throwing stones at it.
And the price is??
Im definitely in that boat that looked into fpv and it looked too complicated and thought never mind I’ll just play video games.
Literally saw it here first !
Does dji require any registration and does it log where you fly 24/7? I like my privacy
Are the goggles gonna be compatible with other fpv cameras. So that, for example ill be able to put a camera on my rc plane?
Im very interested in this kinda stuff but I gotta know… doesnt the fpv cause nausea? I play VR and I get a little nausea if it gets intense. This looks like it would be brutal
Damn these videos are way too bad for me
Now I want one 
Where’s the video from 7:15 ?
great review ! ?
The audio really makes the difference. Don’t lose it.
Trying to get a drone like this, but idk none about drones,
need some recommendations ?
So much choppy set your FPS to 60 plz
Subbed for salad dressings
Love the Harley shirt. Where can I get one‽ Lol.
got my mini 2 and honestly for me its the best drone just uploaded a review too, might get this drone in a year or so
this doesn’t look that good for cinematography… the frame rate didnt seem to keep up with the drones speed. i would have expected the footage to look smoother than that. what fps did you shoot this in? and yeah, why are the propellers showing in some shots? can you mount any accessories on the lens?
Does it have any sensors on manual mode?
GG, like it, thanks
how about top speed for FPV
100km/h ??
DJI is such a good Company!
Too many ads on Potaties Channel now. Potatoe is getting greedy!
Genial muy bien video!! Gracias por subtítulos español ????
Pls PLS PLS! Dont forget to upload is 60 fps! this is very important <3 Thx for the vid though
I have to have it!!!
The rotten refund acromegaly sigh because leg intracellularly save inside a measly ray. overrated, medical wrinkle
89mph is 143kmh wtf my drone going in sportmode 69kmh
Braaaaaa!!!!! cool review!!!!!!!
I’m still waiting for “Top 10 Favourite Salad Dressings”
When there create virtual fly on android also
If in this dron have light
A accurate VR drone sim app. Holy cheese i’d pay this much for that alone…
Very cool, but I’m glad he includes the noise it makes, so we get a realistic impression…Are there any drones that are quieter? This sounds like a million angry mosquitos!
Great video. Like an intro from my Mavic into a little more fun; my car to my BMW R1200RT. Nicely done. If you can, ask them if they can program a moving home. It would be nice to have all the feel good return safeties on a sailboat.
Nice Job Brudda!
i lookforward to buying it second hand ~2025
More dumb shit we don’t need
Is it fully compatible with lg k22
Getting this cause you don’t want to learn to solder is a mistake. It is a FPV drone, you are going to crash. Soldering is a must know skill for fpv. But don’t let that turn you away, it is easy to learn.
that’s crazy speed
I’m convinced that UFO are some kind of drone controlled by aliens
Best weapon to kill someone, thats DGI
How much for this dji?
Can you wear glasses or get lenses??
Great 10 features. A questión I have is what would be the best drone for servailence, in there product line for ranching and if there Is a drone with heat visión. Thank you
Will it follow cars at that speed?
Take my money I want one!!!!!
Can we see all the the fails yet ??
What kind of range does it get?
i know exactly where u filmed that b-roll…thats wrightwood
Totally waiting for these salad dressings
Got yourself a new subscriber! Can’t wait to see more of your videos! Hopefully I can pick this drone up before the end of the year!
What happens if it does land in water? Is it water resistant? Would it be able to take off again? If you are mid way through a sketchy flip and press pause, will the Drone actually re centre itself?
LOVE that Jet,
the Pot…hang on!?
Love that Drone!
The FAST, flipping, self righting, home tracking DRONE!
and you Gene. Love from Australia
Ur making me so jealous I would do anything for this drone Dji has amazed me ever since I found out about it
Awesome review bro way to go!!!
Whenever I want to find a review for camera gear I just add “potato” in the YouTube search and you’re always on top of it ?
Hey that was the Mormon Rocks! You must be in So Cal??
I wish I had a real use for this aside from pure fun. Great development. I can only imagine what future models will be like.
I dont understand why dji has built this drone, at this step of technical knowledge with so many years of building drones, dji build´s a toy ? I can compare this so called fpv drone to a toy! Dji engineers are working in toys now ?? Give us a real fast machine, not toys DJI !
AND, with a USB cable you can attach the controller to your Mac or PC to use with FPV simulators!
watching this made me seasick
My name is Aditya Mosh Mahabir.
It’s not even remotely a “racing drone”
Well I guess I figured out what else spend my stimulus money on.
What is the price, I’ve seen it for $199.99 ?
Deyyyuuummmm… this is one hell of a review! Good job!
I want to use this for Search And Rescue.
Can you program in way points?
The footage stutters or lags a little bit – seems like it doesn´t refresh smoothly – anybody knows why?
I just ordered mine today ! 3/18/21
I wonder when will it come to my House ?
a) the Camera needs to be able to point STRAIGHT DOWN! b) get the props out of the frame when shooting wide-ish.
Sir, I like your channel
love what you do and its awesome ! greetings from MONGOLIA
How far over a mountain can it get before losing signal, so if im on one side valley and a hill is in the middle how far down can I get down on the other side, with my phantom 4v2 I can get very far cause I loose line of sight.
That pause button is sick!
Good Job thanks!
Does it have a follow me mode?
Is it possible to use this dji fpv drone with android phone as remote control? Just the drone and android phone
man I want that
Not a drone person, when I see this I was honestly impressed
What a piece of tech!!! if someone show me this 10 years ago i wouldn’t believe my eyes
Think that will cost at least 5k and its only about 1,3k so its can go over 100mph fly and record 4k and its cheaper than an iPhone OMG, What a value for money!!!
This really seems awesome, wish battery technology was better for more flight time
Ken heron the bid Drone channel says these are shit. You must be paid by them. Cuz I’ve heard they are underpowered and floaty. And terrible props..
Great video:) how much an when available? I’m that idiot with over grand of fpv stuff ,everything lol an can’t set it up ,
Best wishes
Wish I had an extras $1,500 laying around. Going to just enjoy my mini 2 for now
IDK, My choice for top ten salad dressing is probably French, or maybe Catalina.
Isn’t a ducted fan more efficient?
I’m definitely gonna wait till they’re done tweaking this drone before purchasing it. Great video and thanks for providing us with all this great information. Main thing I noticed in every shot was the propeller’s and propeller guards were visible.
I’m looking for the BEST drone for under $50
??? Can I use my $600+ SMART CONTROLER on / with this drone???
Hey man. Just a heads up, none of your bit ly links in the description seem to work. I was curious about your “Beginners Course on Filming with ANY camera!” but the link is dead
89mph , you know you can race this drone with a prius right?
Got mine flew it for lest than 10 minutes and completely blew it up?. Not quite as agile as my racing quad
Gene Beautiful area and really enjoyed it.Always like picking up new things especially with new ones.Thanks so much for all the details Deb ??
It reminds me of Robocop for some reason.
If you’re upside down and you hit the panic button does it right itself or drop to the ground?
this is FPV parody dron … dont buy it its just shit … watch joshua bardwel (expert for all FPV drones ) he tell you truth about this one and about others so you can realy compare if is it so good or not …
if you are afraid of soldering just buy builded standard fpv drone dont DJI or you will have more trouble with dji care than with soldering …
When are they realeasing a 3 axis gimbal camera that moves with the goggles? It would be awesome to look around while flying an not have to manuever to look around.
Orderd from the manufacturer (DJI) about a week ago ( _ ) and recieved yesterday, I have to wait to go to a remote location because I live in a city… it’s way too risky.
I bought the dji fpv combo and was wondering if the v2 goggles work with my mavic 2 zoom? Great video!
Nice, thanks for the review. Question: Are you always on fast forward?
I really enjoyed this review, dude is hilarious!
Finally a drone to learn on without the fear of throwing thousands of hard earned dollars away. I’ll be purchasing for my birthday come July so time to start saving. Great video mate
Can you use these googles for VR games?
I don’t like your back ground Fuji camera Poster. It is Japaness war crime flag motive
So what’s the round about cost for all of it drone/controller/goggles?
I think I have decided to kill two birds with one stone. I am going to take $500 of crypto investments and try to grow it SPECIFICALLY to purchase this drone. On another note, this drone kind of reminds me of the tie fighters from starwars
I’m excited for the Top 10 Salad Dressings!
$1300.00 USD …… Geez … thanks
Magkno po bili nyo at saan store po
max range?
Sounds great !! Does it have a follow feature?
What is that desk?
I want to know the top 10 things you hate .
I’ve always wanted a FPV drone that has an amazing camera. After watching this video, I feel like I’ll be waiting for a long, long time.
That drone is badass
Love this review. I’ve watched a few other DJI FPV reviews and so far, yours was really good. Thank you!
Just ordered mine with the fly more pack. Nice vid!!
AWSOME review… grate presentation for the newbs too and WAW what a fully-sick FPV drone………. bro!
LMAO at 7:15
Omg $1500, I think I’ll just keep my home built fvp drone.
Mo Tion Sic Kness…..
So excited for the top 10 ranch dressings!
Make sure u encoded in 1080p60
where i can find the DJI FPV Similes ?
include the cost?
So, when you say serial chargers that means it is a continuous charger, so it doesn’t die but receive another charges, as another battery plug in, then ready to use it. A backup battery. So, you have three battery right, so total 60 mins, so how long is the charges in plug when 20 mins is fill up, so plug again to recharge, then use it. So, since you are allow 100 mph, but not more, that means to get to top, well, ya can try it, it would be good, but need a big battery as backup to recharge one, since the battery on drone is higher than battery that you buy, well, a recharge battery or so, so doesn’t assume as much, but use as charge to front up battery.
Whats msrp?
it is a PIECE OF SHIT…. don’t waste your $$$ and build something better cheaper by yourself
You’ve popped up enough on my recommended and your video style is interesting, finally subbed after seeing like my 4th video
This is sweet, but flying fpv with a 1200 dollar drone scares me lol.
Does the FPV fly More Combo come with 3 Int Battery
Great review, thank you! I wasn’t aware there was a fly more bundle for this drone.
Is it the same quality in the gogoles as what we see on your video ?
Where is the top ten favorite salad dressings video im waiting ?
ed huang looking ass
How much and we’re can I get one
Can it do Raw format ?
thank you Stimmy.
How do you turn on manual mode? I’ve enabled it in the goggles in two areas and still won’t roll
I have a job flying inside a large plant and I would like to use this drone. Atti mode?
i don’t need but i really want ?
Hi where is the salad dressing video it’s been more than a week now
I have never gotten a drone and want one. However what turns me off is the time limit of flying still only 20 mins
Il mio prossimo acquisto!
Wouldn’t call this a racing fpv, but it still a nice piece of equipment for the beginner who wants to experience fpv flying.
What is the range on this bad boy ?
Oh and Blue cheese or Rochefort ?
Dji fpv!!! Too rich for my bank account.
Mavic 2 zoom or fpv? The only reason is the gimbal… and also battery life and sensors
Good bye stimmy check
Waiting years for that? Ummmm ……………………………no we haven’t! LMFAO!
Dude, a little more caffeine & can you talk faster please. Good video, informative and entertaining.
You’re the first person telling this drone isn’t fast …
Great review!
What a dummy he is who is saying favorite feature to normal things and to literally everything which is on his list ?
he don’t understand meaning of favorite word
The kind of drone Hikers are going to hate.
Very nice quality video and good points! thank you!
Is the drone footage lagging? Did not look smooth?
Why your wife is so ugly?
Ok take my money
Died at the battery burning down the house ????
Dang I love your stuff I’m new to this hobby and I’ve watched others but your stuff is awesome
I’ve been in the market for a drone since the beginning of the pandemic. This video actually made me pull the trigger on a purchase. I mistakenly did not use your link on this page to purchase the drone, but I did reach out to DJI letting them know afterwards that I purchased this drone because of your video.
Are you planning for a giveaway ? I’m in…?
Does it come with the goggles ? Are you able to connect to the remote via Bluetooth or do you still have to use a data cable ?
What’s the range from the transmitter?
What’s the best 1st drone to buy ? Mavic Air 2 ( within budget ) Mavic Pro 2 and Mavic FPV … All for travel and good video or photo …
You almost make me want to buy it! untilllllllllll!!!! i saw the price so I just better finish watching the video
Questions : Whay can I do if I dont want such wide FOV and props showing ! Those two things I do not want in my footage or stills
Are there accessories for it to install a camera on it? ??
I never thought I had an interest in this hobby until after watching this video, thanks, now I must spend 1,300++ on this
Does this drone require a license?
Wow almost at 1mill
Any chance anyone knows the location of the area he was filming at the 7:47 mark?
I visit LA occasionally and would love to chill up there
Got it a week later, and today I ordered the Motion Controller Definitely need a lot of area for this Quad recommended practice on simulator !!! before flying if you never flown FPV !!!!
wow so nice
So how is this goggles work with someone who has glasses?
Love reflector van!
7:17 is this behind scene? I dont recall this episode :p
Thanks for all these drone videos…. thinking of getting a Phantom 4 Pro or Mavic 2 Pro, or used with Mavic Pro/Phantom 4
Quick question: Is this legal to drive without a license? What kind of stuff should I get done to fly legally in the US?
4:34 Hahahahaha!
Oh man.. I love DJI.. I have the Mavic Pro, the Mavic 2 Pro and the OSMO Action. I really like the looks of this guy, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s going to be out of my price range.
EDIT: Ohhhh! It’s nowhere near as expensive as I thought! Looks like I’m getting a new toy! Woot!
I guess the pause is the air brake i read about?
I like this man. I would be his friend and give him a gift at his birthday. Mister, you just earned yourself a new subscriber.
Ok a little more comfortable with it so can it be flown in manual with the flight motion controller ?
super coool
The only thing missing to make it a perfiect drone is the FOLLOW ME mode. It would have been awesome if DJI had this feature on it.
hi handsome. what an awesome toy. where did you buy it? how much? how long did you wait for it? what license do you need? thanks gor your videos.
7:15 LOL
7:15 LOL
It’s not a racing drone…
Is there any telemetry data shown in the goggles?
Why the fuxk is he sitting on the edge of a cliff whilst flying them?? Its dangerous
Buyer Beware DJI Store App!
In early April I purchased a second battery for my DJ FPV drone through they DJ store app on my iPhone. I received a package that looked like it had been through a war zone, after opening the bubble wrap the box that the battery was in looked like it possibly had gotten wet. Both seals the box appeared to be intact and appeared to be un-tampered with. I initially thought maybe that the battery had been opened by Customs, but further investigation of the original packing showed no customs label and the packaging was actually labeled and shipped from California. (see video’s) I immediately contacted DJ our support via Facebook messenger to discuss the situation. After two days of back-and-forth text and verification of my order they advised me to open the package and see if the battery was OK. I open the battery and the battery had two large cut marks in the label. I did not feel comfortable with this battery because it appeared to me that this battery had been used. Finally, DJ support agreed to have me send the battery back and they would send me a new one. After almost a month I have received my battery. The battery was not packaged in a new box. it was packaged in bubble wrap. Makes me fear that the battery is either refurbished/reconditioned or someone just placed a new label on the original old battery they sent me. After another full day of texting back-and-forth, DJI support does not want to send me a “new in the box battery” however, that is exactly what I paid for! I paid for a new in the box battery and they are refusing to send me a new in the box battery. This is the second incident that I have had with the DJ store app.
The first incident, I ordered a new Mini2, after 2 to 3 weeks, I had not received my package however was sent a notification that the package had been delivered. I contacted DJI, for an investigation and was told that the shipping company was refusing my claim. DJI told me I was on my own that they would not send me a replacement. Once I threaten to contact my credit card company to cancel payment the package mysteriously showed up at my house two days later.
Are you planning to sync the DJI FPV Remote Controller 2 with the DJI digital FPV system?
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:7)
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)
I guess I am behind I got the mavic mini and damn I must say , it good ! I had a drone from “Wish” boy……. it an upgrade!!!
I want one but so much money for 14 minutes of flight. Not 20
Why does it show the rotors on some frames tho? That annoyed me so much
Video is impossible to watch when you fly it. Makes me want the throw up. Instead give a nice long shot then move to another
Damn why does it look so dirty around the camera lens?
7:15 lol
Quarry Dive with DJI FPV !
I need a Gen 2 or 3 now not later
I have hit return to home ? bekause I lost sit off it. I hit return to home & it hit trees never to be found again.
When video games comes in handy, I have been preparing my whole life for this!