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Everything is about to change | Drone Racing League01:23

Watch this FPV feed from the 2017 DRL season. Subscribe to DRL: – Don’t miss what happens next.

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DRL is the first professional race series for FPV drone racing. The Drone Racing League brings the world’s best pilots together to fly the DRL quadcopters head-to-head through new exciting neon-lit race courses. Drone Racing is the sport of the future, and you can find all of the full races, crashes, and competition on www.thedroneracingleague.com and here on youtube.com/c/thedroneracingleague.

    1. Carl Richards
    2. Alexander Thompson
    3. Steve Kilby
    4. Knight Flyer
    5. Mark Clark
    6. Able Clowdus
    7. Abel Clowdus
    8. bleuthoot
    9. dumb idiot
    10. ApexPredator_
    11. bexinatorbex
    12. Bex
    13. Beast Lists
    14. xeronicus
    15. Llámame Como tu quieras
    16. JONATAN MR
    17. Pablo Contreras
    18. dabbleonabike
    19. Gondi Race
    20. PIDHUB FPV
    21. TroyFPV
    22. Troy DiEdwardo
    23. solo xan
    24. Bari FPV
    25. Marco Asam
    26. RCDroneStudio
    27. Os Hag
    28. tahitian thunder
    29. Jason Clark
    30. CptKirk FPV
    31. NadaVer001
    32. Karstoon TV
    33. Andy M
    34. Andy M on
    35. zehra ekinci
    36. Lumibear
    37. Noah Melamed
    38. There is hair on your screen.
    39. Jãįmê TM
    40. babatschitsch
    41. babatschitsch
    42. babatschitsch
    43. PredoXum
    44. Bady89
    45. Knight's Banter
    46. Ben Wright
    47. BenArchy Uk
    48. Thrillrider10
    49. Sean D. Daily
    50. Rouven Grundmann
    51. Pandi Rachmat
    52. Kacang Crispy
    53. Vandi Rachmat
    54. iawbp
    55. Caleb :b
    56. caleb is kewl
    57. T3SLA_FPV -Caleb
    58. caleb young
    59. Anakin Skywalker
    60. rex1030
    61. Cashy 1
    62. Omer Kir
    63. Omer Kir
    64. khastvrokg
    65. Mário Gushiken
    66. Manuel.T

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