DarkFEST diaries from the dirt of Stellenbosch, South Africa. ?♂️ Catch up on a wild week featuring:
Sam Reynolds, Brendan Fairclough, Nico Vink, Clemens Kaudela, Daryl Brown, Jaxson Riddle, Kaos Seagrave, Brage Vestavik, Remy Morton, and Bienvenido Aguado.
FPV Pilot: @rensenfpv
Shot on HERO8 Black
Shot 100% on GoPro: http://bit.ly/39uv4AF
Get stoked and subscribe: http://goo.gl/HgVXpQ
Music Courtesy of Extreme
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Like FlatOut game
I wish my bones where strong enough to do this type of shit
Cool! Did u use a drone?
Rocket power in real life
While i’m here jumping on 2.5m jumps these guys jumping on motocross monster ones.
Gopro Effect
This is narly
Great…..ride love it??????????
with GoPro
How hard that must be to commit those are insane jumps
Then there is me, who can barely do a 180
Then there is me, who can barely do a 180
Then there is me, who can barely do a 180
I just kept saying Yeehaw the whole time.
Wow!! Cameraman to be like???
that`s fantastic 😉
god damn those are huge!!
How can I participate in go pro
oye gopro alla a donde bo vivis no hay coronavirus
What is the obsession with recording with a distorted view? Why the wide angle, fish-eye view?
Leave wide-angle mode for crummy videos that cannot stand on their own merit.
Leave wide-angle mode for videos that need camera theatrics to compensate for an otherwise boring video.
The riders would never ride with eye-wear that gave them the distorted view. Then why use that view for the audience?
Similar criticism for adding music.
Guys, you have impressive skills. That is what I want to see. I am not interested in seeing special effects from the camera. I want to see what you are seeing. I want to see your skills, unaltered by technology. I want to vicariously live through your lens. But that is not doable, when you warp the image. And the music masks the sounds from the riders, from the bicycles, from nature, etc.
Please let us experience your ride just as you are experiencing it, without the extras. No “excitement” settings need be present. Your riding is exciting in its own rights. Artificially exaggerated viewing is not needed, and lessens the “you are there” feeling.
Thank you.
Sooo sick
if you like the bike watch this video
Gopros is ?